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Emergency School Closing Information

If conditions occur that force the closing of school, an announcement will first be
posted on You will then receive a phone call notifying your family
of the closing. Most local radio and T.V. stations also announce school closings. Please
do not call the school. In lieu of closing for the day, the HCSD may participate in a 2
hour delayed start (please see more information under Delayed Start).

Extended Care Program

Hudson Community Education and Recreation (HCER) Program offers a before and after
care program: Explorer Zone. The hours of operation are from 6:45 A.M. to 8:55 A.M.
for the before school day session and 3:55 P.M. until 6:00 P.M. for the after school
session. Breakfast is available through Food Service in the morning, and transportation
to and from all elementary buildings is provided. Registration materials are available at
the HCER office located on Hudson-Aurora Road or the website

Family Life Education

Family Life Education is taught in the fifth grade by registered nurses.
The material is presented by using a family centered approach. The course was written
for the comprehension and understanding of children at the fifth grade level. The
course provides information to the early adolescent about the emotional and physical
perplexities of puberty.

Family Vacations

We discourage school absences for the purpose of family vacations. Our curriculum
involves a great deal of collaborative work, hands-on experiments, and the use of
manipulative materials. In addition, much discussion occurs in the classroom regarding
the thinking process. It is very difficult to duplicate these experiences at home or on
vacation. However, if a family chooses to take a vacation during the school year, please
contact your child’s teacher. A written note explaining the absence will be required.
Depending on what is occurring in the classroom during the absence, we cannot guarantee
that homework will be provided.

Field Trips

Field trips are used to supplement classroom experiences. Before each trip, activities
are planned to help prepare the students for the trip. After each trip, there are follow-
up activities and discussions. Students and parents are notified well in advance so
necessary preparations can be made. Written parental permission must be obtained
before a student may go on the field trip. If there is no written parental permission, a
child must remain at school.

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