Page 13 - East Wood Full Digital COPY_Neat
P. 13
The purpose of homework is to reinforce learning taught during the school day.
Students are also able to begin to develop good study habits and organization of learning
materials. We also believe students should have time to play and have fun with their
family and friends. As a general rule homework should not exceed an hour per night. If
your child consistently spends more than an hour on homework please contact the
Intervention Team
The team is comprised of a group of professionals at the building level. When a child is
having difficulty learning and needs support through the Response to Intervention (RTI)
process or has not responded to interventions through the RTI process, the intervention
team assembles to review and analyze academic and behavioral information and
brainstorm additional interventions to help the child be more successful. The focus of
this team is intervention. However, during the process, more information may need to
be obtained to make the best educational decision for a student.
Leader in Me Program
The Hudson City Schools are committed to providing character development through the
Leader in Me Program in Grades K-5. We believe the 7 Habits outlined in this program
will encourage and promote such qualities as respect, responsibility, and readiness among
all students. The 7 Habits are as follows: Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, Put
First Things First, Think Win-Win, Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood,
Synergize, and Sharpen the Saw. Every staff member is committed to the goal of
having all students achieve these qualities. Consequently, there will be student
leadership opportunities, activities, and recognition integrated with the Leader in Me
throughout the school year.
Student lockers are located near the homerooms. We stress the importance of
respecting private property; therefore, students will not be permitted to place locks on
their lockers.
Lost and Found
The best guarantee of finding lost items is to have everything labeled with students’
names (lunch boxes, jackets, hats, gloves, etc.). All items are delivered to the Lost and