Page 18 - East Wood Full Digital COPY_Neat
P. 18
Strings Grades 4 & 5
Band Grade 5
East Woods Choir Grade 5
Unicycle Club Grades 4 & 5
Speed Limit
All drivers should limit their speed to 10 m.p.h. on East Woods property for the safety
of the students.
Testing and Assessment
The state of Ohio requires all students in grades 3-8 to take the Next Generation
Assessments. The Next Generation Assessments include AIR which are Ohio’s science and
social studies tests and PARCC which are the mathematics and English Language Arts tests.
As with every other Ohio school district we must follow the state requirements in regards
to assessment. There has been much discussion in Columbus regarding testing. Any changes
will communicated to families on the District website and other modes of communication.
The following are the subject areas tested in each grade level:
Grade 3:
Next Generation Performance Based Assessment in Reading and Mathematics: March/April**
Next Generation End of Year Assessments in Reading and Mathematics: May**
Grade 4:
Next Generation Performance Based Assessments in Reading and Mathematics: March/April**
Next Generation End of Year Assessments in Reading and Mathematics: May**
Ohio Next Generation Performance Based Assessment in Social Studies: March/April**
Ohio Next Generation Performance Based Assessment End of Year in Social Studies: May**
Grade 5:
Next Generation Performance Based Assessments in Reading and Mathematics: March/April**
Next Generation End of Year Assessments in Reading and Mathematics: May**
Ohio Next Generation Performance Based Assessment in Science: March/April**
Ohio Next Generation Assessment End of Year in Science: May**
In grades 3, 4 and 5, Ohio Achievement Assessments will no longer be administered.
** indicates new assessment requirements by Ohio Department of Education and Federal
Gifted Testing
The district also participates in nationally normed tests in grades 2, 4, and 6. The purpose of
these tests is to identify our Gifted and Talented students and to monitor our progress as
district when compared to other students across the nation. The following are the areas tested
in late January/early February for the following grades: