Page 10 - Hudson CAFR Report 2018
P. 10


Organization Of The District

The District is governed by the Constitution of the State of Ohio and various statutes enacted by the Ohio General Assembly
through the State Department of Education. Under Ohio law, the District is a separate and distinct unit of government. The
Hudson City School District Board of Education is a five-member board elected at-large, with staggered four-year terms. The
Board serves as the taxing authority, contracting body, policy maker, approves the annual appropriation resolution and tax budget
and ensures that all other general laws of the State of Ohio are followed in the expenditure of the District’s tax dollars.

Principal Officials

                               BOARD MEMBERS – as of 6-30-18

Name                           Began     Expires              Profession

Steven DiMauro                 01-01-08  12-31-21  Industry Solutions Executive
(Vice-President)                                   IBM

James Field                    01-01-12  12-31-19  Manager, Heinen’s Fine Foods

Tom Tobin                      01-01-16  12-31-19  President, American Endowment Foundation

Alisa Wright                   01-01-18  12-31-21  Attorney

David Zuro                     01-01-10  12-31-21  Retired Telecommunications Manager

                      Name     ADMINISTRATION – as of 6-30-18
             Phillip Herman                                              Position
             Kathryn Sines
             Doreen Osmun                                  Superintendent
             Lisa Hunt                                     Assistant Superintendent and
             Kelly Kempf                                   Director of Curriculum & Instruction
             Steve Marlow                                  Director of Human Resources
             Natalie Wininger                              Director of Pupil Services
                                                           Director of Operations
                                                           Supervisor of Special Services

Employee Relations

The District currently has approximately 623 employees. Two labor organizations represent District employees. Certified
employees, including teachers and educational specialists, are represented for collective bargaining purposes by the Hudson
Education Association (HEA). Support employees, including cooks, custodians, educational aides and clerical staff, are
represented for collective bargaining purposes by the Ohio Association of Public School Employees Local 372 (OAPSE).

                                                                        HUDSON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT

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