Page 13 - Hudson CAFR Report 2018
P. 13


     o Advisor/Advisee program – Hudson Middle School program that assigns small groups of students to a team staff member
          for the school year.

     o Strong athletics participation: Over 50% of the students in grades 7-12 are student athletes.
     o HHS boasts 27 High School Boys and Girls Sports, a Rugby Club and a Boys Volleyball Club.

A variety of services provide options to ensure all students receive individualized instruction, enrichment and support.
     o Gifted programing for students in grades 3-8 provided by a Gifted Intervention Specialist.
     o English as a Second Language.
     o Preschool for students with and without disabilities.
     o Mental wellness programs: Red Flags Program – assists staff to identify students who may be struggling with social or
          emotional problems; Positive Behavior Intervention Support, K-12, Zones of Regulation, PBIS (Positive Behavior,
          Intervention, Supports).
     o Partnered with community to bring education, awareness, resources, and expand parent partnerships to advocate for
          students who struggle or could potentially struggle with drug and alcohol addictions.
     o Providing counseling services through partner agencies to provide more intensive mental health counseling to individual
     o Guidance Counselors for all students (12.5 counselors).
     o Health Services for all students RN, LPN, and Medical Assistants.
     o Speech & Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and adaptive programs such as in physical
     o Real-life experiences: Functional Living Labs, High School Cottage Industry, including woodworking, High School
          Sweet Sensations Café.
     o Vocational and Transition to Work Programs both in-house and within the community.
     o Help for students or student enrichment:
           Explorer Period, Grades 9-12.
           Focus Periods, K-8 which provides systemic academic intervention.
           Response to Intervention (RTI), Reading, Math, Behavior, pre-K-12.
           Academic Resource Centers, Grades 6-12.
           Math and Writing Labs, Grades 9-12.
           APEX – on-line, virtual learning courses for high school students.
           Elementary Supplemental Reading program, “Reading Club.”

Providing strong programming also supports student’s academic learning.
     o Hudson City Schools were one of 23 Districts to earn an overall A on the 2018 State Report Card.
     o Hudson Middle School consistently ranks in the top 2% Middle Schools in the state.
     o #8 ranked public high school in Ohio and #1 in Northeast Ohio according to US News & World Report (May, 2018).
     o 8 Hudson High School students have posted perfect “36” Composite Scores on the ACT in the past 2 years.
     o 25 Advanced Placement courses are offered. All AP students must take the Advanced Placement test.
     o 195 Hudson High School students were inducted into membership in the National Honor Society.
     o 211 Hudson High School graduates in the class of 2018 earned the State of Ohio Honors Diploma.
     o 194 seniors graduated with designated honors in 2018: 87 earned Cum Laude honors (3.67-3.99); 65 earned Magna Cum
          Laude honors (4.00-4.32); 42 earned Summa Cum Laude honors (4.33 and above).

Financial Reporting

For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018, the District continued to report in accordance with the provisions of Governmental
Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 34, “Basic Financial Statements-and Management’s Discussion and Analysis-
for the State and Local Governments.” The basic financial statements for reporting on the District’s financial activities are as


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