Page 40 - Revista FRONTAL Edição Especial iMed 12.0
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Professor Simon Carley MB ChB, PG-
Dip, DipIMC (RCS Ed), FRCS (Ed)(1998),
FHEA, FAcadMed, FRCEM, MPhil, MD, PhD
is Creator, Webmaster, owner and Editor in
Chief of the St Emlyn’s blog and podcast.
He is Professor of Emergency Medi-
cine at Manchester Metropolitan Univer-
sity and a Consultant in adult and paedi-
atric Emergency Medicine at Manchester
Foundation Trust. He is co-founder of the
BestBets website, St.Emlyn’s social media
learning platforms and the MSc in emer-
gency medicine at Manchester Metropol-
itan University.
He is an Education Associate with the
General Medical Council and is an Asso-
ciate Editor for the Emergency Medicine
Journal. He is the lead for CPD at the
Royal College of Emergency Medicine.
His research interests include diagnos-
tics, Medical Education, Major incident
management & Evidence based Emer-
gency Medicine.
Professor Carley got a Bachelor in
Medicine in the year of 1992 at the univer-
sity of Manchester and two years later, at
the same university he began studying
Philosophy, concluding his studies in 1997 Simon is the Director of Medical Educa- the Manchester Metropolitan University
with a Master Degree in Philosophy. tion at the same institution, being respon- in 2018.
Since 1996 and until 2002, Professor sible for the quality of training at a large Since 2019, Professor Simon Carley take
Simon Carley was a Fellow of The Roy- University NHS Trust. over the CPD lead at the Royal College of
al College of Emergency Medicine. He Professor Simon Carley is a Member Emergency Medicine. Also in this year, and
graduated in Medicine in 2003 at the Uni- of the Editorial Board at Critical Care Ho- until now, he is a Enhanced Monitoring As-
versity of Manchester. From this year on, rizons, since July 2014, and an Associate sociate at General Medical Council.
Professor Carley is a Consultant in Emer- Editor at the Emergency Medicine Jour- Professor Simon Carley is a Major Trau-
gency Medicine at the Manchester Royal nal, with the responsibility for social me- ma Consultant at Manchester University
Infirmary. Despite this position, he is also dia. Since 2016, He is an Associate Dean NHS Foundation Trust.
a Consultant in Emergency Medicine in at Health Education North West, with re- Regarding his work, Professor Carley
the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, sponsibilities for School of Medicine, tech- published a paper about the rapid Exclu-
since 2009 until present time. For more nology enhanced learning and learning sion of Myocardial Infarction in patients
than 14 years he was a Professor in Emer- strategies for complex decision making. with Undetectable Troponin, using a sen-
gency Medicine at the Central Manches- Professor Simon’s love for Philosophy sitivity assay.
ter and Manchester Children’s Foundation leaded to a degree of Doctor in Philoso-
Trust. From 2013 and until now, Professor phy with a PhD in Medical Education at
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