Page 48 - Revista FRONTAL Edição Especial iMed 12.0
P. 48





           For the 12  time, iMed Conference   scenarios we would find while taking care   when leading this team, I can only say:
        faces the challenge of leading excellence   of people.                  Love, Friendship, Challenge, Cooperation
        and bringing Portugal to the spotlight of   iMed 2020 keeps pace with the virtu-  and becoming a true Family.
        the  international  scientific  community.   al transformation of the world, and gives   We all put our hearts and souls to it,
        Over the past six months, our team was   everyone the possibility to connect with   but the most important thing is to enjoy
        committed to ensuring  every detail. We   powerful and important testimonies. The   the journey and create new stories. It has
        hope it will be a place of reciprocal growth   iMed Conference was founded on the   truly  been  an  intense  year,  challenging
        among all participants, and we hope you   premise that everything is possible when   ourselves to explore new paths, carefully
        will enjoy it!                      you put your heart to it. And that brings me   planning everything with professionalism
           The world is facing new challenges   to you and all of us: Where are we going to?   and care.
        and  as  future  doctors,  we  must  reflect   Where are we investing our time during   It has been a fantastic journey and
        about the role that Life Sciences will play   work? How can the "Life Sciences" serve   I would recommend everyone to live
        in our society. iMed Conference not only   humanity more and more?      this spirit.
        offers us a huge opportunity to improve   As President, I feel proud of this fantas-  I wish a very warm and sincere “Obriga-
        our skills and know-how, but also an im-  tic team, everyone worked with ambition   do!” (thank you), to all members of the Or-
        mersive experience  through the knowl-  and dedication. It felt that everything was   ganising Committee, for their dedication
        edge of so many renowned speakers.   possible, and we never gave up! I could not   to this project.
        During these days, we may confirm what   be more grateful to be part of this project,   “Obrigado” also to all of you for your
        has been told to us from the very first day   working along with 28 generous people,   presence during these days!
        at university, that we’ve embraced a full-  who have added so much enthusiasm, day   Together (even with social distanc-
        time  learning  course  due  to  the  infinite   after day. When asked about my thoughts   ing), we'll keep Sparking Innovation.

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