Page 49 - Revista FRONTAL Edição Especial iMed 12.0
P. 49
This past year has been filled with the munication between all of our different and outstanding lectures, provided by our
most amazing sensations. It consisted of a departments is key. All twenty-nine mem- exceptional speakers, could reach.
lot of work, delight and also a lot of time, bers of this incredible committee have Looking back at this last year I real-
dedicated to planning, brainstorming ide- an essential position in every step of the ise the kind of effort it required. It drove
as and making bold changes. way and I truly trust that the final result is me to develop certain working capacities
Being asked to write a few words only as good as the effort we all put in the such as time-managing skills and the abil-
about organising this conference and details of the process of making this con- ity to know which chores to prioritize in
what it means to me, it leads me to recall gress come true. each different department. Being part of
how it all started. I believe the keyword is dedication, the management board implies the need
My journey with the project began that’s the word the summons this entire ex- to be present in each step of the process,
two years ago. I had just been for the sec- perience. The dedication of a team focused making sure all of our goals are met and
ond time at the iMed Conference and all I on overcoming all the obstacles that stood also understand how essential it is to trust
knew was that I was excited, inspired and in their way. When we became conscious and confide in each and every one of the
ready to be involved. I wanted to take part of the worldwide health situation, we had members of the organising committee.
in this amazing project, that allowed such to quickly adjust to the new circumstances It brings me the greatest joy to be-
impressive speakers, with years of experi- and do all within our abilities to organise come aware that even in such a dark year,
ence in the most diverse areas, to talk di- the same special conference, but this time, filled with consecutive setbacks and con-
rectly to us in the most inspirational and in a completely new format. quests, we were able to rearrange our ini-
propelling way. Transforming the iMed Conference in tial plans and reach our goal of providing
I finally started an incredible adventure a hybrid version of itself was quite chal- inspiration, motivation and knowledge to
with the scientific department which al- lenging. Different problems and situa- every participant.
lowed me to learn and to grow. By the end tions came up that had never crossed our I learned many things while organising
of that edition, I was very fortunate to stay minds in previous editions. We had the the iMed Conference and I now believe
in the organising committee and be able responsibility of deciding which parts of that these events are fundamental; they
to choose and work side-by-side with this the congress could safely happen physi- allow us to build a bridge to new discov-
committed and talented group of people cally while being able to expand the con- eries, they allow us to chase the evolving
that, together, make up the most capable ference in a global manner that had never science and, most importantly, to keep
and successful organising committee. been possible before. For the first time, Sparking Innovation.
We are a united team, where com- there were no limits to where the amazing