Page 5 - Revista FRONTAL Edição Especial iMed 12.0
P. 5



                         It has become a tradition. At this time of the   adapt. Fortunately, the core features that de-
                       year, when we turn from the Summer heat to   fine  the  iMed  project  will  still  be  present  this
                       the Autumn leaves, we here in FRONTAL turn   year and stronger than ever.
                       to our pens and keyboards, in order to cement   You will still experience the amazing work-
                       one more year of our partnership with the iMed   shops  in  our  Alma  Mater  (or  in  our  college,  if
                       project, now on its 12th iteration. Once more,   you are not local), competitions that will test
                       we present to you, our dear reader, the FRON-  your neurons to their limit, and the amazing
                       TAL Special Edition for iMed 12.0.     cast of speakers who will delight you with their
                         Since the arrival of the COVID-19 Pandem-  talks. Through the uncertainty they have raised
                       ic, the world we live in hasn’t been the same.   to give you a full journey for your enjoyment.
                       The iMed congress as we know it had to change   Likewise, we will rise to give you the best cov-
                       as well. From our familiar meeting space in   erage we can, with daily summaries, and inter-
                       Camões  Theatre,  to  the lunches  and  coffee   views with a handful of speakers, exploring a bit
                       breaks  surrounded  by our  colleagues,  to  our   more of their work, and some of the details left
                       conversations with the speakers in the end of   unexplored in their talks.
                       the sessions, all that had to be put aside for the   Thus, in your hands you hold our work, de-
                       sake of our  collective safety. We’ve lost  many   picting the work of many doctors, investigators
                       other special moments, the mad runs between   and other outstanding people as well as their
                       the halls in order to meet the speakers and get   stories and experiences. May your excitement
                       an interview, the handing out of journals, even   for this year’s iMed conference flourish, as ours
                       the hangouts with all other crew/staff mem-  did, and may we look back on this experience
                       bers and sponsors.                     thinking fondly of the knowledge we gained
                         The Pandemic  has brought  forth new  re-  along the way.
                       strictions, new challenges and so we had to

                                                                                   DAVID GIL

                                                                                                  SPECIAL EDITION — 3
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