Page 9 - Revista FRONTAL Edição Especial iMed 12.0
P. 9


        protein and  those  other  molecules. In   an year later he was Elected by the Amer-  Phage display of antibody libraries
        this way, large libraries of proteins can   ican Association for the Advancement of   has become a powerful method for both
        be screened and amplified in a process   Science (AAAS). Later, in 2007, he won the   studying  the  immune  response  as  well
        called in vitro selection, which is analo-  American Society for Microbiology Pro-  as a method to rapidly select and evolve
        gous to natural selection.          mega Biotechnology Research Award.  human antibodies for therapy. This An-
           The most common bacteriophages      Finally, George P. Smith was awarded   tibody libraries displaying millions of
        used in phage display are M13 and fd fila-  the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this   different antibodies on phage are often
        mentous phage.                      work in  phage display, sharing his prize   used in the pharmaceutical industry to
           This technique was first described by   with Greg Winter and Frances Arnold.  isolate  highly  specific  therapeutic  an-
        George P. Smith in 1985 when he demon-  This new technology has several useful   tibodies, that are developed into anti-
        strated the display of peptides on filamen-  applications. It can be used in the deter-  body  drugs  primarily  as  anti-cancer  or
        tous phage (long, thin viruses that infect   mination of interaction partners of a pro-  anti-inflammatory  therapeutics.  One
        bacteria) by fusing the virus's capsid pro-  tein so that the mechanisms and faction   of the most successful was  adalimum-
        tein to one peptide out of a collection of   of the studied protein can be found. It is   ab, discovered by Cambridge Antibody
        peptide sequences. This displayed the   also a widely used method for protein en-  Technology as D2E7 and developed and
        different peptides on the outer surfaces   gineering, drug  discovery,  and in search-  marketed by Abbott Laboratories. Adali-
        of the collection of viral clones, where the   ing for protein-DNA interactions, using   mumab, an antibody to TNF alpha, was
        screening step of the process isolated the   specially-constructed DNA libraries with   the world's first fully human antibody.
        peptides with the highest binding affinity.  randomized segments.         In addition to his valuable contribution
           Three years later, Stephen Parmley   Moreover, it can be a helpful tool to   to science, George Smith is also an advo-
        and George Smith described biopanning   find  new  ligands  (enzyme  inhibitors,  re-  cate for equal rights for Palestinians and
        for affinity selection.             ceptor agonists and antagonists) to tar-  Israeli Jews in their common homeland,
           In 1990, Jamie Scott and George Smith   get proteins and to determine tumor   and a strong supporter of the Boycott, Di-
        explained the process of creation of large   antigens (helping in diagnosis and thera-  vestment and Sanctions movement.
        random peptide libraries displayed on fil-  peutic targeting). Actually, phage display    On the topic of religion, Smith is quot-
        amentous phage.                     has been recently used in the context of   ed as saying "I'm not religious or Jewish by
           This technology was further developed   cancer treatments- such as the adoptive   birth. But my wife is Jewish and our sons
        and improved by three research groups:   cell transfer approach. In these cases,   are bar-mitzvahed, and I'm very engaged
        the  Laboratory  of  Molecular  Biology  with   phage display is used to create and select   with Jewish culture and politics."
        Greg Winter and John McCafferty, The   synthetic antibodies that target tumor
        Scripps Research Institute with Richard   surface proteins. These are made into
        Lerner and Carlos Barbas and the German   synthetic receptors for T-Cells collected
        Cancer Research Center with Frank Bre-  from the patient that are used to combat
        itling and Stefan Dübel. The main goal was   the disease.
        the display of proteins such as antibodies   Competing methods for in vitro pro-
        for therapeutic protein engineering.  tein evolution include yeast display,
           In 2000, George Smith became Uni-  bacterial  display,  ribosome  display,  and
        versity of Missouri Curators' Professor, and   mRNA display.

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