Page 8 - Your Life By Design
P. 8

            This Is Not the end.

            It’s the beginning of the rest of the life you wish to create. You have the power
            to make this vision happen. You need to believe you really can make change.

            You’ll get naysayers, and people who will tear you down rather than see you
            succeed. Don’t let them get you down. You may lose people in your life who

            laugh at you, mock you and talk behind your back. You don’t need that kind of

            negativity. These are your goals, your life. Be consistent, make these things
            happen. I told you so!

            This is where the nitty gritty happens. Make it happen and bring it to life!

                                                         Now you will need your board, graphics
                                                         and the other pile you didn’t choose, your
                                                         pens, paints, crayons, glitter etc.

                                                         Lay out your board and put in order your 9
                                                         graphics by the most recent time-frame in
                                                         which you can accomplish it. The one
                                                         which will take less time to accomplish.

                             Vision Board in a Box

            Desired element – this will change. As you achieve each goal you cross it off
            and move onto the next Desired Element/goal.

            Focus on each one. Your first goal/desired element should be the one you know
            you can achieve the fastest. It’s not necessarily the easiest but the one you know
            you can achieve in the least time. This trains your brain to know you can
            achieve ANYTHING!

            Put your first graphic on the board, anywhere you like, keeping in mind how
            you learn best. Left to right, circular, columns, etc. Don’t glue yet!

            Go back to your other pile, maybe use motivational quotes, words, phrases, not
            photo’s or you’ll confuse your brain. You don’t have to use them, but maybe
            they’re a secondary idea. The design is up to you.

   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13