Page 3 - May Newsletter (draft ver)
P. 3
Reports from the IATEFL Conference in Brighton
Our roving reporter at the conference was Elisa Effendy from Jakarta, Indonesia. A
proficient user of Instagram, where she shares short tutorials on English for a local
audience, Elisa goes by the name of Miss Engliven on social media.
Here are the highlights of the Pre-conference event
at the Old Ship Hotel - which was posted on the blog
on 13 April. She describes the LTSIG
Pre-conference Event in Brighton, highlighting its
significance in exploring the potential of augmented
reality and virtual reality in learning. Elisa created a
striking video and detailed write-up to inform our
members of key take-aways, while capturing
memories of this truly engaging PCE conference.
One PCE attendee, Fiona Price, also wrote her own summary of the day, while our
previous roving reporter (in Barcelona) and one of the ‘friendly teachers’, Amadeu
Marin, captured an interview with Fiona and these other interviews on the day.