Page 8 - May Newsletter (draft ver)
P. 8

In my 10-year teaching career in Norway, I have developed strategies and techniques
               that help low-achieving students succeed in my class. Through the use of innovative
               technologies, digital tools and resources and preparation of materials on teaching
               English for Specific Purposes, I have been able to make vocational students enjoy
               learning English.

               By teaching relevant material that is always connected to the specific line of studies,

               selected by students in the beginning of the school year, I have observed how
               low-achieving students have been able to become interested in English and how quickly
               they could improve their exam results. For example, when I teach students who attend
               restaurant and food processing line of studies, I would focus on vocabulary and phrases
               my students could use at their future workplace. Drawing relevance to my curriculum is
               my number one priority at such classes.

               Technology and the use of ESP approach have definitely helped me personalize my
               students’ learning and facilitate student growth. Technology alone is not enough,but it is
               the pen and the paper of our time as David Warlick once said.

               Christina​: What tips would you give novice teachers who want to integrate technology
               in their language teaching?

               Barbara Anna​: Do not be afraid to reach out to teachers who are already experienced
               in this field. Besides, set up a new Twitter account and follow educators who are willing
               to share their knowledge and expertise with others.

               Christina​: Are you working on any new projects at the moment?

               Barbara Anna​: Of course, I am. I love global and collaborative projects because they
               allow my students to learn English in a rich language environment and help them
               become global learners.​ ​This year I am in the charge of the project called “Be The
               Change, Take the Challenge”. There are more than 100 schools who participate in it.
               This year’s project focuses on Sustainable Development Goals and its aim is to help
               students become better problem solvers and global citizens.

               Christina​: This was all very interesting, Barbara Anna! Thank you so much for sharing
               your work and experience with the readership of the IATEFL LTSIG.

               Image credit: ​

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