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May 2018 Newsletter

               Welcome to the LTSIG newsletter for May 2018.  A lot has been happening in the past
               month or so and this is a round-up of all the news.  We have reports from the IATEFL
               conference, including our PCE, showcase and a presentation by one of our scholarship
               winners.  We have an interview with Barbara Anna Zielonka.  There are links to
               recordings from the Virtual Round Table and a summary of a jointly organised

               tweetchat between the Japan Association of Language Teachers and the SIG.  There
               are also lots of changes happening in the committee structure of the SIG, including
               interviews with the departing Shaun Wilden and Sylvia Guinan.  There is news, too,
               about forthcoming committee elections and if you have been a  current member for one
               year or more, you can stand for one of the positions - see committee news at the end of
               this newsletter.

               I hope you like the experimental flippable format!

                                                                                   Phil Longwell (editor)

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