Page 2 - May Newsletter
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Coordinator News

                                       I would like to welcome members, old and new, to the new look of our
                                       e-newsletter and the introduction of a more responsive and modern
                                       format. This is something we have been looking into for quite some
                                       time now and we hope you like it as much as we do. Over the next
                                       months we will be experimenting with different styles and media and we
                                       very much welcome your feedback, ideas and suggestions.

                                       It’s been a month since the outstanding IATEFL Brighton conference
                                       where the LTSIG had a strong presence with a Pre-conference event
                                       on Virtual and Augmented Reality and a Showcase of 7
               technology-related talks. This was an inspiring, fun-filed coming together of community
               members, international colleagues, ideas and talks and the feedback we received was glowing.
               So, for those of you who didn’t make it to this year’s IATEFL, or for those of you who would like
               to reminiscence the good time we’ve had, this newsletter has extensive reports, complete with
               pictures, videos and write-ups on both of our days.

               And as if this was not enough, once we got our breath back we participated in two online
               events; the Virtual Round Table organised by the amazing Heike Philp and the #MAVRLT
               tweetchat organised by LTSIG and the JALT MAVRSIG. Both events were on Virtual &
               Augmented Reality as a follow-up to our extremely successful PCE.

               The next coming months are set to be just as exciting. Benefits such as a new research
               publication for LTSIG members, an online research conference, travel grants to attend IATEFL
               associate conferences, plus many more are going to be announced soon. We are also going to
               announce the topic of our PCE Liverpool and a travel grant for one of you to attend it. Finally,
               don’t miss the opportunity to apply for our Roving Reporter Diane Eastman scholarship as you
               may be the lucky one to be fully-sponsored to attend IATEFL Liverpool next year. Details will be
               available on our website and the next issue of this newsletter.

               Finally, a very big thank you to our departing committee members Shaun, Sylvia and Dimitris for
               all their hard work and we wish them all the very best for the future.

               Don’t forget that we are always waiting to hear from you regarding ideas for events or
               discussions, or your general feedback in terms of SIG activities. So do drop us a line on our
               social media channels or contact me personally at

               Best wishes,

                   -   Sophia (May 2018)

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