Page 3 - May Newsletter
P. 3

Reports from the IATEFL Conference in Brighton

               Our roving reporter at the conference was Elisa Effendy from Jakarta, Indonesia. A
               proficient user of Instagram, where she shares short tutorials on English for a local
               audience, Elisa goes by the name of Miss Engliven on social media.

               Here are the highlights  of the Pre-conference event
               at the Old Ship Hotel - which was posted on the blog
               on 13 April.  She  describes the LTSIG
               Pre-conference Event in Brighton, highlighting its
               significance in exploring the potential of augmented
               reality and virtual reality in learning. Elisa created a
               striking video and detailed write-up to inform our

               members of key take-aways, while capturing
               memories of this truly engaging PCE conference.

               One PCE attendee, Fiona Price, also wrote  her own summary of the day , while our
               previous roving reporter (in Barcelona) and one of the ‘friendly teachers’, Amadeu
               Marin, captured an interview with Fiona and  these other interviews  on the day.

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