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P. 5

knowledge, contracted it. However, not long afterward, the gym did close. When that happened, I
               started to feel like I did not have much of a reason to get up as early as I did before. Just a short while
               after the gyms closed, I started getting up later and later with my latest wake up time being around
               7:00 a.m.

                                                        In the beginning, not a lot was known about COVID, and
                           FIVE TIPS TO          therefore, appropriate protective resources were not available to
                  START, RE-START, OR            me. This, plus having to interact with and treat patients that tested
                                                 positive, in addition to seeing some of my co-workers contract
                     MAINTAIN YOUR
                                                 the virus, and have to be admitted into the ICU, made my life
                    FITNESS RHYTHM               pretty stressful. It got to a point where I started to realize that
                                                 there was no end in sight to this and that things would only get
                         1. Drink a glass or     worst.
                  bottle of water first thing in
                  the morning.
                                                        People that I worked with started quitting out of fear of
                         2. Engage in two        contacting the virus. This meant that the workload for me and
                  minutes (20 seconds of each    others who stayed, increased dramatically. Each morning, I took
                  exercise) of low-impact,       a little more time to get out of bed and get out the door to work.
                  constant movement.
                                                        Eventually,  I  stopped  focusing  on  my  diet  and  began
                         3. Write down at        stress  eating,  which  led  to  significant  weight  gains.  I  stopped
                  least two things you’d liked   playing  chess  in  the  mornings  and  eliminated  my  two-minute
                  to accomplish that day.        morning workout routine. I stopped taking pride in how I looked
                                                 leaving the house. Shaving became the least of my worries. All the
                         4. Meditate for 5
                  minutes, envisioning yourself   good habits I established for myself up to that point fell to the
                  accomplishing what you set     wayside.
                  out to do that day, potential
                  obstacles you may encounter,          For  someone  like  myself--an optimist  by  nature  and  a
                  and resolutions to those       glass half full kind of a person-- how would I proceed with this
                  obstacles.                     new way of life, this new norm filled with so much uncertainty
                                                 and potential danger, and with no end in sight?
                         5. Engage in some
                  mind stimulating activity (eg.        One morning, about a month into the pandemic, I pulled
                  read, play on-line chess, use   into the parking lot of my job and just sat in my car for about a
                  less dominant hand to          half-hour. I reflected on everything that had happened up to that
                  perform a task) for 10         point. I realized that none of what had happened was within my
                  minutes.                       control. However, I also came to realize that while I was unable
                                                 to control the things happening around me, I could control how
                                                 I  reacted  to them.  This  realization  would  prove  pivotal  going

                       Sitting in my car that morning, for some reason, I remembered a movie from the late '90s
               called Twister. At the end of the movie, the main characters were caught up in a massive tornado, but
               they fastened themselves to a pipe embedded several feet into the ground. As the tornado is trying to

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