Page 5 - Newsletter | February Issue
P. 5
GlobeNet’s proprietary information is valuable – VALUE IT, PROTECT IT, SECURE IT.
GlobeNet’s Team Members have a duty to protect proprietary information
How To Protect Proprietary Information
•Any information used in doing business that represents a competitive advantage AND must be kept
confidential as it is one of GlobeNet’s most valuable assets.
•Sharing or disclosing GlobeNet’s Proprietary Information without appropriate protection will cause
the losing of its protected status.
•GlobeNet’s team members must guard their business partner’s Proprietary information as well .
Dos and Don’ts
•Have an NDA in place before disclosing Proprietary Information
•Only discuss and work with GlobeNet’s Proprietary Information in private places unless there is no ris
of being mistakenly disclosed
•Only discuss and work with GlobeNet’s Proprietary Information with the people that must be involved
on that particular transaction
•If you must work in an open space keep your voice volume to the minimum possible
•Use strong passwords and do not share them with other team members or business partners
•Do not send out GlobeNet’s drafts and templates without password protection unless otherwise
authroized by theLegal Department
•Keep GlobeNet’s Proprietary Information classified, organized and separate from publicly known
•Refrain from incurring in any of the above conducts as a recipient of proprietary information from a
business partner o a third party