Page 4 - Newsletter| May Issue
P. 4


              We all have questions, we all need guidance, DO NOT BE AFRAID to ask

                                                           for help.

           The Code of Business Conduct sets the minimum standards we expect all our

           team members to follow. This is not intended to cover all scenarios but rather
           is meant as a guide to help you navigate and make the right decisions when

           faced with certain choices. It is not a substitute for common sense.

                                                 When in doubt:

              •Speak to your line manager or any member of our senior leadership team;

              •Speak to any member of our Human Resources Department; or
              •Speak to any member of our Legal Department or to our Compliance


                              ZERO TOLERANCE OF RETALIATION

           Raising a concern or speaking up can be daunting and sometimes holds us

           back from reporting a wrong. Please be assured that GlobeNet will not

           tolerate any retaliation against anyone reporting a problem or assisting an

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