Page 31 - Wedding Essentials & Essential groom Issue 8
P. 31

caused by circulatory problems. Eating plenty    membranes.
                 of cabbage, liver, kale and milk will also go a   8. Folic acid
                 long way to treat these symptoms.                Vital for the creation of new cells, folic acid also
                 6. Vitamin B3 & B5                               plays an important role in skin health and ap-
                 Vitamin B3 is essential for healthy skin and also   pearance. A study published in the Journal of
                 for your brain, nervous system and blood cells.   Cosmetic Dermatology found that topical appli-
                 Also known as niacin, it can be found in many    cation of a mixture containing folic acid and a
                 foods - both animal and plant. Research shows    type of amino acid called creatine improves the
                 that this vitamin can significantly reduce the   firmness of skin but can also be found at phar-
                 appearance of aged skin and it is often added to   macies for an internal boost.
                 top skin brighteners and beauty products.
                 Skincare formulations containing vitamin B5      Exercise
                 provide some of the best skin hydration out      This is a no brainer. Get the blood flowing to
                 there. Studies show that it prevents skin water   help boost your complexion. Whether it is
                 loss and improves skin barrier functioning. Also   swimming, walking, yoga, cycling, gym or the
                 stock up on whole grains, avocado, and chick-    exercise of your choice, just be sure to exercise
                 en.                                              at least 3 times a week.
                 7. Choline                                       To tan or not to tan?
                 Whilst the body can make this on its own, Cho-   It’s true that sun protection is the number-one
                 line can be found in foods like eggs and pea-    anti-aging strategy, however for brides doing
                 nuts. Whilst this vitamin is most important for   the spring  wedding, coming  out of  the white,
                 the synthesis of neurotransmitters and normal    ghostly skin of winter, check out with your local
                 brain functioning in general, a study published   (and highly professional) beautician for assess-
                 in FASEB Journal also found that this vitamin    ing the safest options to get that glow all over.
                 plays a crucial role in boosting healthy skin cell   The  bottom  line–pay  attention  to  your  insides
                                                                  and out

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