Page 34 - Wedding Essentials & Essential groom Issue 8
P. 34

Wedding Vow Tips

                  Crafting The       Perfect


          Many people tend to struggle when
          finding the perfect way to describe
          their feelings, especially the feeling   spend the rest of your life with.
          of love one has for their partner. For                               next day. You’d be surprised as to how
          centuries, poets and playwrights have   If you’re starting to struggle with the   ideas can come out of the blue after
          scribbled and struggled with this   exact wording, make a short list of   giving it some time to surface.
          powerful yet delicate topic. Don’t beat   pointers for yourself. It’ll help you get
          yourself up if you’re struggling to get   ideas out before you start polishing   These tips should get you started, but
          some words down, it really isn’t easy,   them off with pretty wording and elo-  remember, this is the time to tell your
          so we’ve compiled a list of helpful   quent sentences.               partner how much they truly mean to
          hints and tips to getting all those                                  you. It’s a way to express in detail how
          feelings of affection and tenderness   Start asking yourself questions about   you feel about the love of your life, so
          onto paper.                       your partner. When did you realise   just make sure it’s meaningful. Throw
                                            you were in love with this person?   in some inside jokes, things only the
          Make sure you give yourself enough   What was your first impression of   two of you will appreciate, make these
          time to say everything you want to   them? How have they changed you as   vows significant and special. This
          say. Rushing it at the last moment   a person and why do they mean so   is your opportunity to warm some
          is not an ideal way to set up a list of   much to you? Asking yourself ques-  hearts.
          lifelong promises to your beloved. It   tions about your fiancé is a fantas-  about the types of situations that
          needs to be special, so avoid procras-  tic way to get some persoective and   really get your blood boiling, and
          tination.                         inspiration.                       again, communicate in a healthy and
                                                                               calm way. What is it that upsets you,
          Perhaps talk to your fiancé about it.   Have a look at some wedding vow   and how do you want your partner to
          Don’t give every last detail, it’s still   examples. Maybe go watch a Ryan   accommodate these things that really
          mant to have a romantic element of   Gosling film, if that doesn’t work, The   tick you off.
          surprise. Just have a chat about the   Notebook is your last resort, your go-
          style you both want to go for in your   to when inspiration is lacking (seri-  Ask your partner how they’re doing,
          vows. Should it be funny or heart-  ously though, it works every time).   make sure they aren’t feeling over-
          warming? Silly or romantic? Bounce                                   whelmed by the pressures. One will
          some basic ideas back and forth with   Try to avoid anything to embarrassing   often find that acts of aggression tend
          one another, it could give you the   or personal, there are some things   to stem from feelings of isolation. The
          spark of inspiration you need.    that should be kept between just the   best way to beat anger is by showing
                                            two of you. These are your vows, your   love and compassion, let your fiancé
          When you start putting words to   promises for the person you love most   know that they aren’t fighting the bat-
          paper, surround yourself with inspira-  in the world, so unless you both have   tle alone, have their back and show
          tion. Put on a song that perfectly en-  a healthy passion for practical jokes,   them the love that they need in this
          capsulates your love and have a look   maybe tone it down on the embar-  time of struggle.
          at some old photos of the two of you.   rassing stories.
          Think about what it is that you love                                 Conflict is a common and almost un-
          so much about your partner. Think of   Writing is a creative craft. It’s diffi-  avoidable part of planning a wedding,
          memories, that one time when you   cult writing when morale is low, so if   but just remember the 3 C’s in times
          looked at your fiancé and decided   you’re feeling uninspired maybe take   of disagreement, Communicate Calm-
          that this is the person you want to   a breather or even come back to it the   ly and with Compassion.

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