Page 20 - Relations and Functions 19.10.06.pmd
P. 20


                       and division are examples of binary operation, as ‘binary’ means two. If we want to
                       have a general definition which can cover all these four operations, then the set of
                       numbers is to be replaced by an arbitrary set X and then general binary operation is
                       nothing but association of any pair of elements a, b from X to another element of X.
                       This gives rise to a general definition as follows:
                       Definition 10 A binary operation ∗ on a set A is a function ∗ : A × A → A. We denote
                       ∗ (a, b) by a ∗ b.
                       Example 29 Show that addition, subtraction and multiplication are binary operations
                       on R, but division is not a binary operation on R. Further, show that division is a binary
                       operation on the set R  of nonzero real numbers.
                                           ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
                       Solution   +: R × R → R is given by
                                      (a, b) → a + b
                                  –: R × R → R is given by
                                      (a, b) → a – b
                                  ×: R × R → R is given by
                                      (a, b) → ab
                           Since ‘+’, ‘–’ and ‘×’ are functions, they are binary operations on R.
                             But ÷: R × R → R, given by  (a, b) →  , is not a function and hence not a binary

                       operation, as for b = 0,    is not defined.
                           However, ÷ : R  × R  → R , given by (a, b) →     is a function and hence a
                       binary operation on R .
                       Example 30  Show that subtraction and division are not binary operations on N.
                       Solution  – : N × N → N, given by (a, b) → a – b, is not binary operation, as the image
                       of (3, 5) under ‘–’ is 3 – 5 = – 2 ∉ N. Similarly, ÷ : N × N → N, given by (a, b) → a ÷ b

                       is not a binary operation, as the image of (3, 5) under ÷ is 3 ÷ 5 =    ∉ N.
                       Example 31 Show that ∗ : R × R → R given by (a, b) → a + 4b  is a binary
                       Solution Since ∗ carries each pair (a, b) to a unique element a + 4b  in R, ∗ is a binary
                       operation on R.
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