Page 187 - Pontiac Catalog
P. 187

Pontiac Engine  - Intake PCV System

          Pontiac Engine
                                                       INL14532         INL14532
           New Vendor
                                                    Intake End      Intake End
             64-65 PCV Connector
                                                          PCV              PCV
         Pn# - INL14528- 1pc   $12.00 Ea        64-65 Tri-Power PCV Set
         1964-65 4bbl & Tri-power PCV Crankcase 3/8" Vent Hose
         Connector. Most original cars had this Nylon connector. With  Pn# - INL14531- 4pc  $24.00 Set
         Part Number 544778 WMP
                                              1964-65 Tri-power PCV Crankcase 3/8" Vent Hose Connector
         66 Tri-power PCV Connector           with 3 Piece Printed Hose Set. Plastic Connector with Printed
                                              Hose Set.
         Pn# - INL14529- 1pc   $12.00 Ea                                               Pontiac Engine PCV
         1966 Tri-power PCV Crankcase 3/8" Vent Hose Connector. Most  Pn# - INL14532- 3pc  $8.00 Set
         original cars had this Nylon connector. Has 9784831 WMP  1964-65 Tri-Power PCV Crankcase Vent 3/8" Printed Hose Set
                                              Printed Hose Set with Gas Triangle Rectangle Printing.
          Dealer Price $8.00 Ea
                                                        INL14533        INL14534
                                                           PCV             PCV
                                                    Intake End
          New Vendor                                               Intake End      Pn# - INL11220 - 1pc  $14.00 Ea.
                                                                                   1968-72 Pontiac All V8 Intake Fitting for PCV Vent on Intake.
             66 -67 PCV Connector                                                  Used to vent the intake on all V8 Pontiacs.
         Pn# - INL14530- 1pc   $12.00 Ea           64-65 4bbl PCV Set
         1966 2&4bbl & All 1967 PCV Crankcase 3/8" Vent Hose
         Connector. Most original cars had this Nylon connector. With  Pn# - INL14533- 4pc  $27.00 Ea
         Part Number 9784830 WMP
                                              1964-65 4bbl PCV Crankcase 3/8" Vent Hose Connector with 3
                                              Piece Printed Hose Set. Plastic Connector with Printed HoseSet.
                                              Pn# - INL14534- 3pc   $11.00 Set     Pn# - INL11268- 1pc  $6.00 Ea
                                              1964-65 4bbl PCV Crankcase Vent 3/8" Printed Hose Set.  1969-73 Pontiac, GTO, Firebird, PCV to Carb Hose.
                                              Printed Hose Set with Gas Triangle Rectangle Printing.  Used to connect the PCV to the carb - with writing GAS.
                                                          INL14535       INL14536

           64-65 PCV Hose Braacket                   Intake End      Intake End  PCV  Pn# - INL10713 -1pc   $9.00 ea
         Pn# - INL14819 1pc   $16.00 Ea                    PCV                    1964-81 Pontiac GTO, Firebird, TA, Engine PCV Valve Olive
         1964-65 GTO, Lemans all V8 Engine, Intake Manifold PCV Hose  66 Tri-power PCV Set  Green. Located in the engine valley pan at front of intake.
         Bracket. Bolts to right side top of intake to hold the PCV hose off
         the engine.                          Pn# - INL14535- 4pc   $24.00 Ea
                                              1966 Tri-power PCV Crankcase 3/8" Vent Hose Connector with 3
                                              Piece Printed Hose Set. Plastic Connector with Printed Hose Set.
                                              Pn# - INL14536- 3pc   $8.00 Ea
                                              1966 Tri-power PCV Crankcase Vent 3/8" Printed Hose Set
          INL11768       INL11769             Printed Hose Set with Gas Triangle Rectangle Printing.  Pn# - INL10309 -1pc   $4.00 ea
          64 GTO PCV Hose Bracket                      INL14537         INL14538   1964-81 Pontiac GTO, Firebird, TA, Engine Valley Pan  PCV
                                                                                   Valve Grommet 1pc - Discontuned from GM - available here.
         Pn# - INL11768 -1pc   $19.00 Ea                                           Located in the engine valley pan at front of intake.
         1964 Pontiac GTO PCV Engine Hose Bracket. Used to hold the  Intake End
         PCV hose off the engine.                 Intake End
           65-67  PCV Hose Bracket
         Pn# - INL11769 -1pc   $19.00 Ea         PCV                PCV
         1965-67 Pontiac GTO, 67 Firebird PCV Engine Hose Bracket .
         Used to hold the PCV hose off the engine.  66 - 67 4bbl PCV Set
                                              Pn# - INL14537- 4pc   $24.00 Ea
                                              1966 2 & 4bbl & All 1967 PCV Crankcase 3/8" Vent Hose
                                              Connector with 3 Piece Hose Set. Plastic Connector with Printed
                                              Hose Set.                              73-74 Trans Am S.D. Plug
                                              Pn# - INL14538- 3pc   $8.00 Ea       Pn# - INL11219 -1pc  $22.00 Ea
          Inline Tube writes restoration articles that  1966 2 & 4bbl & All 1967 PCV Crankcase Vent 3/8" Printed Hose  1973-74 Pontiac Trans Am Super Duty Valley Pan Plug. Used to
          are featured in all your favorite magazines.  Set. Printed Hose Set with Gas Triangle Rectangle Printing.  plug  the hole in the valley pan.

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