Page 247 - Pontiac Catalog
P. 247

Pontiac Under Hood - Cowl / Firewall

          Cowl /  Firewall

           64-67 Front Harness Clips               70-79 Wire Retainers              68 Core Support Decals
                                                                                   1968 Pontiac Core Support Emmision Decals. Located on the top
                                                                                   of the core support and gives engine tune up information.
                                                                                   Pn # - INL11926a -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
                                                                                   PF 9794076 - 1968 350-2V Emission Decal.
                   INL11172        INL11173                                        Pn # - INL11926b -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
         Pn# - INL11172 -4 pc   $12.00 Set     Pn# - INL11829 -1pc  $4.00 Ea       PD 9793147 - 1968 350/400/428-4V Emission Decal.
                                                                                   Pn # - INL11926c -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
         1964-67 & 70-72  GTO, P-4007 Black Front End Harness to Inner  1970-79 Pontiac GTO, Firebird Core Support Wire Retainers.  PG 9794075 - 1968 400-2V Emission Decal.
                                               Used to hold the front end wire harness to the core support.
         Fender Straps - 2.75" long. Used to hold harness to inner fender.         Pn # - INL11926d -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
           68-69 Front Harness Clips                                               PC 9794071 - 1968 400-4V Emission Decal.
                                                                                   Pn # - INL11926e -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
         Pn# - INL11173 -4 pc   $12.00 Set                                         PC 9793148 - 1968 400-Ram Air Emission Decal.
         1968-69 GTO, P-4007 Black Front End Harness to Inner Fender
         Plastic Straps 3.75" long.  Used to hold harness to inner fender.           69 Core Support Decals
                                                                                   1969 Pontiac Core Support Emmision Decals.
                                                                                  Pn # - INL11927a -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
                                                                     INL11642     PC 9797338 - 1969 350/400-2bbl Emission Decal.
                                                                                  Pn # - INL11927b -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
                                               64-74 Forward Lamp Harness         PE 9797340 - 1969 all V8-4bbl & Ram Air III Emission Decal.
                                                                                  Pn # - INL11927c -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
                                              Pn# - INL11635 - Set  $168.00Ea     PD 9794545 - 1969 Ram Air IV Emission Decal.
                                              64 GTO/Lemans V8 Forward Lamp Harness.  70 Core Support Decals
                                              Pn# - INL11636 - Set  $168.00Ea
                                              65 GTO/Lemans Forward Lamp Harness.  1970 Pontiac Core Support Emmision Decals. Located on the top
                                              Pn# - INL11637 - Set  $168.00Ea      of the core support and gives engine tune up information.
                                                                                   Pn # - INL11928a -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
               Core Support Clip              66 GTO/Lemans Forward Lamp Harness.  $168.00Ea  PA 480917 - 1970 (all) V8-2bbl Emission Decal.
                                              Pn# - INL11638 - Set
                                              67 GTO/Lemans Forward Lamp Harness.  Pn # - INL11928b -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
                                              Pn# - INL11639 - Set  $178.00Ea      PB 480918 - 1970 (all) V8-4bbl & Ram Air III Emission Decal.
                                              68 GTO/Lemans Forward Lamp Harness Standard.  Pn # - INL11928c -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
                                              Pn# - INL11640 - Set  $178.00Ea      PE 482339 - 1970 Ram Air IV Emission Decal.
                                                                                   Pn # - INL11928d -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
             INL11175              INL11176   68 GTO/Lemans Forward Lamp Harness With Cornering Lamps.
                                              Pn# - INL11641 - Set  $180.00Ea      PD 482341 - 1970 455 4bbl Emission Decal.
         Pn# - INL11175 -10 pc   $30.00 Set   68 GTO/Lemans Forward Lamp Harness With Tilt Headlights &  71 Core Support Decals
         64-69 Pontiac, GTO, Firebird Core Support Wire Retainer Plastic  Cornering Lamps.
                                                                                   1971 Pontiac Core Support Emmision Decals.
         Clips. Used to hold the front end light harness to the core support.  Pn# - INL11642 - Set  $178.00Ea  Pn # - INL11929a -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
         Pn# - INL11176 -1 pc   $4.00 Ea      69 GTO/Lemans Forward Lamp Harness Standard - Includes  PD 485347 - 1971 (all) V8-2bbl Emission Decal.
                                              Cornering Lamps.
         64-69 Pontiac, GTO, Firebird Core Support Wire Retainer Plastic  Pn# - INL11643 - Set  $180.00Ea  Pn # - INL11929b -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
         Clip. Used to hold the front end light harness to the core support.
                                              69 GTO/Lemans Forward Lamp Harness With Tilt Headlights -  PJ 484379 - 1971 400- 4bbl, MT, Emission Decal.
                                              Includes Cornering Lamps.           Pn # - INL11929c -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
                                              Pn# - INL11644 - Set  $178.00Ea     PH 484378 - 1971 400- 4bbl, AT, Emission Decal.
                                              70 GTO Forward Lamp Harness.        Pn # - INL11929d -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
                                              Pn# - INL11645 - Set  $178.00Ea     PL 484381 - 1971 455- 4bbl, AT, Emission Decal.
                                              71 Tempest/Lemans Forward Lamp Harness.  Pn # - INL11929e -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
                                              Pn# - INL11646 - Set  $178.00Ea     PM 484382 - 1971 455- 4bbl, HO, MT, Emission Decal.
                                              71 GTO/Lemans Forward Lamp Harness.  Pn # - INL11929f -1 pc   $4.50 Ea
                                              Pn# - INL11647 - Set  $178.00Ea     PN 484674 - 1971 455- 4bbl, HO, AT, Emission Decal.
                                              72 GTO/Lemans Forward Lamp Harness.
                                              Pn# - INL11648 - Set  $178.00Ea        72 Core Support Decals
           70-77 Pontiac Wiring Clips         73 GTO/Lemans Forward Lamp Harness.  1972 Pontiac Core Support Emmision Decals.
                                              Pn# - INL11649 - Set  $178.00Ea     Pn # - INL11930a -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
         Pn# - INL12001 - 10pc  $29.50 Set
         1970-77 Pontiac, GTO, Grand Prix, Firebird,  Front End Harness  74 Tempest/Lemans Forward Lamp Harness. $178.00Ea  PG 487348 - 1972 400-4bbl Emission Decal.
                                              Pn# - INL11650 - Set
         Core Support Plastic Hold Down Clips. Used to hold the front end         Pn # - INL11930b -1 pc  $4.50 Ea
         harness to the core support.         74 GTO Forward Lamp Harness.        PL 487352 - 1972 455- 4bbl, Emission Decal.

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