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64-79 Manual Transmission - Clutch

          GM  Manual Transmission

                                                                                      68-72 Clutch Push Rod
                68-72 Z-Bar Parts                                                  Pn# - INL11888 - 1pc   $1.50 ea
                                                                                   1968-72 GM A-Body Clutch Rod & Linkage Clips. Used on the 4
         Pn# - INL10871 - Set  $46.00 Set                                          speed rods as a tension clip.
         1968-72 Pontiac GTO Clutch Z-bar Countershaft with Ball End.
         Used with INL10872 Zbar swivel to depress clutch.  Z-bar Swivel
         Pn# - INL10872  - Set  $56.00 Set
         1968-72 Pontiac GTO Clutch Z-bar Countershaft Swivel
         Assembly. Used with INL10871 Zbar to depress clutch.
                                                                                     68-72 Clutch Rod Fitting
                                                                                   Pn# - INL10648 - 1pc  $15.00 ea
                                              Pn# - INL11890 - 6pc  $12.00 Set     1964-79  4 Speed Manual Trans Clutch Z-Bar Rod Fitting. Used
                                              1968-72 Pontiac, GTO, Firebird Clutch Counter Shaft Swivel  to adjust the clutch where the threaded rod rests on the clutch arm.
                                              Pins, Washers & Clips. Used to hold the linkage together and to
                                              the Z-bar.

            68-72 Z-Bar Rebuild Kit
         Pn# - INL10288 - 8pc  $22.00 set
         68-72 Muncie Z-Bar Rebuild Kit. This is all the pieces that are
         inside the Z-bar shaft and hold the Z- bar to the frame bracket. It
         also includes the specal size end washer.                                  64-65 Clutch Return Spring
                                              Countershaft Swivel Bolt Kit         Pn# - INL11984 - 1pc   $13.50 Ea
                                              Pn# - INL11889 - 4pc  $9.75 Ea       1964-65 Pontiac, GTO, Lemans Manual Trans Clutch Return
                                              1968-72 Pontiac, GTO, Firebird Clutch Countershaft Swivel  Spring. Spring runs from the clutch fork to exhaust flange.
                                              Engine Bolt, Sleeve & Washers.Used to hold the swivel to the
                                              engine block.
                  INL10936          INL10937
            Z Bar Stud Engine Block
         Pn# - INL10936 - 1pc  $12.00 Ea
         1964-67, 73-77 GM Ball Stud Clutch Z Bar to Engine Block with  INL11886  INL11885
         Seal. Used to hold the 4 speed Z bar to the engine block.  Countershaft Swivel Hwd
           Z Bar Frame Bracket Stud
         Pn# - INL10937 - 1pc  $9.50 Ea       Pn# - INL11886 - 3pc  $6.00 Ea
                                              1968-72 Pontiac, GTO, Firebird Clutch Countershaft Swivel
         1964-77 GM Ball Stud Clutch Z Bar to Frame Bracket. Used to  Engine Bolt -  Sleeve & Washers.Used to pivot the swivel.
         hold the 4 speed Z bar to the frame pivot bracket.
                                                Countershaft Swivel Bolt               66-72 Clutch Springs
           Many new products added            Pn# - INL11885 - 1pc  $3.75 Ea
          monthy - check back often!          1968-72 Pontiac, GTO, Firebird Clutch Countershaft Swivel  INL11985  INL11950
                                              Engine Bolt.Used to hold the swivel to the engine block.
                                                                                   Pn# - INL11985 - 2pc   $14.00 Set
               INL10948           INL10949                                         1966-67 Pontiac, GTO, Manual Trans Clutch Return Springs.
                                                                                   The black clutch return spring runs from the Z-bar to the frame
                                                                      INL11892     bracket and the small silver anti rattle spring holds the clutch fork
               64-72 Clutch Rods                                                   to the Z-bar so it does not rattle during idle. Factory correct.
                                                 Clutch Adjustment Rod
         Pn# - INL10948 -  1pc   $10.75 ea                                         Pn# - INL10950 - 2pc   $14.00 Set
         1964-72 GM Clutch Adjustment Rod. This is the adjustment rod  Pn# - INL11891 - 4pc  $24.00 Set  1968-72 Pontiac, GTO, GP Manual Trans Clutch Return Springs.
         that pushes against the clutch fork. Used to adjust the clutch free  1968-72 GM Clutch Adjustment Rod Stock Length 6 1/4". This is  The large black clutch return spring runs from the Z-bar to the
         play. This is the stock length 6 1/4".                                    frame bracket and the small silver anti rattle spring holds the
                                              the adjustment rod that pushes against the clutch fork.  clutch fork  to the engine bracket so it does not rattle during idle.
         Pn# - INL10949 -  1pc   $10.75 ea                                         Factory correct with round ends.
         1964-72 GM Clutch Adjustment Rod. This is the adjustment rod  Pn# - INL11892 - 4pc  $24.00 Set
         that pushes against the clutch fork. Used to adjust the clutch free  1968-72 GM Clutch Adjustment Rod Longer Length 7 3/8". This a  Made By Inline Tube
         play. This is the longer length for aftermarket clutches 7 3/8".  longer adjustment rod that pushes against the clutch fork.
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