Page 13 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 13



 was implemented with observance of strict
 health protocols and social distancing rules.
 •    The Department adopted a Risk Adjusted   the Departmental services had to be delivered online to   •   The introduction and launch of the Vangasali
             mitigate the spread of Covid-19. This resulted in a
 Approach and established a Wellness, Health   significant  shift  in  the  communication  space  with  an   Campaign for Early Childhood Development
 and Safety Committee in line with the   increase in South Africans receiving their news  and   centres, encouraging them to register. This
 requirement of Department of Health (DoH)   information  online.  The  Chief  Directorate:  campaign was conducted in partnership with
 and Department of Employment and Labour.                              the Nelson Mandela Foundation.
 •    The Department made provision of Personal   Communication successfully provided efficient, strategic   •    Webinar on commemorating International
             and developmental communication support function to
 Protective Equipment (PPE), screening of the   the  Department.  The  Unit  communicated  departmental   Children’s Day.
 workforce and visitors to the office building,   programmes, events and activities through internal,   •    Virtual launches of ECD centres in various
 sanitisation of offices on a monthly basis,   corporate  communication,  media  relations,  public   provinces, in partnership with the National
 observation of 1.5 meters social distancing,   relations and content development knowledge and   Lottery  Commission Legacy Programme.
 employment of three nurses to conduct   expertise.                 •    Youth Month Webinar on Gender-Based
 screening, and creation of observation rooms                              Violence and Femicide.
 for persons who exhibit symptoms of   The  Department  had  to  find  new  ways  of  conducting   •    International Day Against Substance Abuse
 Covid-19.                                                             and Illicit Drug Trafficking Webinar.
 •    Staff members who are 60 years and older, as   engagements and communicating online with all its   •    Commemoration of International Day of
             stakeholders. Several platforms including webinars,
 well as those with comorbidities as defined by   live-streaming on all DSD social media platforms (Twitter   People with Disabilities and webinar on
 the Department of Health, were allowed to   Periscope, Facebook Live, YouTube Channel, and Insta-  Disability Mainstreaming.
 work remotely subject to necessary approvals.                      •    Webinar on the Know Your NPO Status
 •    Constant update was given to all staff   gram stories) were introduced. The communication         Campaign.
             through social media provided the Department with an
 members about Covid-19 positive cases and   always-on channel of communication with citizens and
 tracing was handled by the nurses on site.                    The Department further developed a microsite
 Overview of the operations of the department:  allowed the communications (i.e., campaigns, notices and   ( to document all DSD sector
 •    Health advisory related to testing and self-   advisories) to be targeted at the desired audience. This
 quarantine as well as psychosocial support                    staff members who passed away due to the pandemic.
 The Department of Social Development (DSD) plays a   was provided to those impacted by Covid-19.  further provided the public with direct and virtual access   This serves as a memory repository of how the sector was
             to  the  Department  and  its  services  and  allowed  the
 critical role in providing social protection services. The   Department to control the narrative of its information as   affected by Covid-19.
 social development sector delivers its services in an   The following amendments were implemented to   well as speedy correction of misinformation.
 environment marked by high levels of poverty, unemploy-  external operations, particularly the DSD managed
 ment and inequality. The Department continues to lead   facilities:   Government has 11 annual campaigns while the Depart-
 government efforts to forge partnerships through which   •    Closure of Early Childhood Development   ment has 27 annual campaigns. These Campaigns aim to
 vulnerable individuals, groups and communities can   Centres (ECDs) and Partial Care Facilities.   raise awareness on different programs of the Department.
 become capable and self-reliant participants. During   •    Temporary suspension of NPO and Child   These include among others, the Child Protection Week,
 2020-2021, South Africa  went  into  a  nation-wide   Protection Registration services.  which aims to galvanise South Africa into making sure
 lockdown from 26 March 2020, which was extended   •    Suspending of visits and restriction of   that the rights of children are protected and the Older
 through a risk-adjusted approach ranging from Alert   movement of people and prohibitions to   Persons Active Ageing Campaign, that shines the light on
 Level 5 to Alert Level 1. The nation-wide lockdown   access DSD managed institutions and centres.  older persons, their rights and encourages them to live an
 impacted economic activities in the country and resulted   •    Suspending of activities for all cooperatives   active life.
 in loss of jobs and income for millions of South Africans.   under incubation.
 This compounded the persistent challenges of poverty,   •    Suspending of the gathering, sitting and   The Department utilised live social media coverage for
 inequality and other social ills.   eating at all Community Nutrition and   the various events, where content was distributed on the
 Distribution Centres (CNDCs) during the   four main platforms being Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
 The nation-wide lockdown impacted negatively  on the   lockdown period.  and YouTube (for live streams). Other significant commu-
 service delivery environment and meant that the Depart-  •    Suspending of intercountry adoptions during   nication events included numerous Departmental facility
 ment had to review some of its operations during the   the state of national disaster.  compliance and oversight visits, Minister's report back to
 2020/21  financial  year.  Some  of  the  departmental   •    Suspending of all non-essential travelling.  Parliament and Portfolio Committees, webinars on
 services which would ordinarily be delivered physically   various programmes of the Department and other virtual
 had to be suspended in line with the various lockdown   These measures were implemented to curb the spread of   events and community mobilization activities.
 Alert Levels until alternative means were in place to   the Coronavirus. Furthermore, the Department developed   Key among these events were the following:
 ensure compliance to the Covid-19 regulations.   guidelines, standard operating procedures, procedure
 manuals, reporting templates and other guiding
 documents to ensure that all its facilities continue
 The following amendments were implemented to the
 Department’s internal operations:   providing services while observing health protocols and
 •    The Department developed and implemented a   adhering to Covid-19 regulations according to various
 Covid-19 framework to ensure that service   alert levels.
 delivery is not compromised. A Rotation Plan
 approach was initiated for at least 30% - 50%
 workforce distribution to render services in   The  outbreak  of Covid-19  and  the  pronouncement  of
 line with the mandate of the Department. A   nationwide lockdown in March 2020 meant that some of
 hybrid model of physical and remote working

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