Page 17 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 17



            Public Private Partnerships
 Future plans of the Department
            The Department did not enter into any public–private partnerships during the reporting period.
 Government adopted seven priorities over the 2019 to   completed to extend social assistance coverage and
 2024 Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF). These   introduce social insurance cover for all workers in the
 priorities provide a practical Framework within which the   formal and informal sector.   Discontinued activities / activities to be discontinued
 Sixth Administration is implementing the National Devel-
 opment Plan (NDP). While the Department supports and   The  Department  developed  a  five-year  Strategic  Plan   The Department is amending the Fund-Raising Act (Act No.107 of 1978). The Amendment Bill seeks to address the
 contribute to the six other priorities, it has been given the   (2020/21 – 2024/25) which reflects how it contributes to   fragmentation and inefficiency that currently exists in the process of responding to disasters in the country.  The current
 task of facilitating social protection imperatives outlined   each of the seven (7) government priorities. This   legislation provides for multiple funds to address very narrow categories of disasters. The objective of the Bill is to
 in the NDP through priority number 4, namely “Consoli-  Strategic  Plan  identifies  three  key  outcomes  which  the   consolidate  all  relief  funds  into  a  single  fund  with  a  single  Board  to  enhance  responsiveness  and  efficiency.  The
 dating the social wage through reliable and quality basic   Department will endeavour to achieve over the MTSF   Fund-Raising Amendment Bill was tabled in Parliament for consideration during 2020/21. The Amendments will be
 services”.  period. These key outcomes are:   concluded in the 2021/22 financial year.

 Priority Number 4 focuses on addressing the multi-di-  •  Reduced  levels  of  poverty,  inequality,  Supply Chain Management
 mensionality of poverty and inequality, through social   vulnerability and social ills
 protection which is an umbrella concept that brings   •    Empowered, resilient individuals, families and   The department did not consider any unsolicited bid proposals for the year under review.  All procurement was done in
 together the following:  sustainable communities   terms of the department’s Supply Chain Management Policy and procedures to prevent any irregular expenditure.  The
 •    Functional, efficient and integrated sector   department continues to promote small, medium and micro enterprises including co-operatives in areas where the
 •    Social security that draws on Section 27 of the   events are hosted.
 Constitution to address income dimensions of   The Strategic Plan is being implemented in partnership
 poverty and contribute to ensuring a standard   with the Public Entities as well as through the broader
 of living below which no-one falls;  partnership with the private sector and civil society   Gifts and Donations received in kind from non-related parties
 •    Measures to address capability poverty, and to   organisations. The Strategic Plan may be revised as and   Amount paid directly
 support to early childhood development and   when there are major strategic shifts in the mandate of   to service provider
 investments in children;  the Department, in line with the government planning   Purpose            R'000
 •   Labour market activation policies and measures   frameworks.  KFW
 that foster productive inclusion of the   HIV and AIDS: Care and Support Programme
 underemployed and unemployed on public   The DSD continues to work with the Department of Basic   Consulting Services on the OVCY Care and Support project: Implementation of a Care and Support   1 755
 employment programmes;  Education (DBE) on the migration of Early Childhood
 •   Protective measures for nutritional and food   Development. This is in line with the pronouncement   programme targeting child and youth headed households in KZN, Limpopo and North West
 security.  made by the  President during the 2019 SONA. Several   PACT SA
 •   Developmental social welfare interventions to   milestones have been achieved by the various   HIV/AIDS
 address (i) economic and social exclusion and   workstreams towards this migration. It is anticipated that   Implementation of the Government to Government (G2G) project by providing technical assistance.  1 770
 strengthen  social  cohesion;  (ii)  ensure  that   the migration will be completed by the end of March
 families and  individuals are able to  access   2022. The Department will continue to lead the   THE DG MURRAY TRUST
 services, entitlements, and potential economic   coordination of  the Expanded Public Works Programme   NPO Funding Coordination
 and   social   opportunities;   and   (iii)   (EPWP) for the Social Sector, which comprises of the
 developmental social services to reach out and   departments of Health, Education, Social Development,   To implement a financing approach towards sustainability of social welfare services for the most   31 055
 provide care to the vulnerable such as those   Community Safety and Sports, Arts and Culture. The   vulnerable.
 affected by HIV, women and children abuse,   Programme is targeted to achieve 875 000 work
 and the disabled.  opportunities for the fourth phase which started in April   PACT/USAID
 2019 and will run for the next five years.   Government Capacity Building Systems
 By way of implementing the MTSF, the Department will   To strengthen the Department’s response in addressing social and structural barriers that increase   4 59
 strengthen social welfare service delivery through   The Department finalised the development of a five-year   the vulnerability of OVC to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Sexually Transmitted Infections
 legislative and policy reforms. These will include among   Sector Human Resources Plan (SHRP),  in collaboration   (STI) and Tuberculosis (TB) and addresses specific constraints hampering the health and social
 others, implementation of the reviewed White Paper for   with provincial departments. The Plan seeks to shape the   development system to achieve better outcomes for orphaned and other vulnerable children (e.g.,
 Social Development while we develop an overarching   future workforce demand and supply requirements   those affected by poverty, child abuse, neglect and exploitation).
 Social Development Legislation. The Department will   needed to develop the workforce required for the sector,
 also continue its work towards amending the Social   ensuring that it is appropriately skilled, distributed,   FHI360
 Assistance Act, SASSA Act and the Fundraising Act, the   enabled, retained and utilized to achieve sector   HIV/AIDS
 Older Persons Act, NPO Act, and the Children’s Act to   programmes and outcomes. The Sector Human Resources
 address existing gaps and inconsistencies in the   Plan was approved and its implementation will provide   Technical support for the Government -to-Government project   957
 legislation. Similarly, new policies and legislation such as   the necessary guidance and support in implementing the
 the Social Services  Practitioners Bill, Victim Support   Departments services and mandate.  The DG Murray Trust
 Services  Bill,  Policies  on  linking  CSG  beneficiaries  to   Early Childhood Development Programme
 government services, Policy on Mandatory Cover for   Improving the effectiveness of the ECD Conditional grant.  1 015
 Retirement,  Disability  and  Survivor  Benefits,  Policy  on
 Maternal Support and Policy Proposal on income support
 for 18-59 year olds are being developed.  Furthermore,
 the White Paper on Comprehensive Social Security will be

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