Page 19 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 19
Donations in cash • Appointment of the Special Investigations Unit
(SIU) to Administer the Social Assistant Debtors
German Development Bank KFW for Investigation and Collection of debt in
cases of fraud and overpayment of social
The Department continued coordinating and managing assistant grants. Although deviation was
the project funded by the German Development Bank granted by National Treasury, no contract was
(KfW) to provide support to Orphans, Vulnerable Children entered into, and no payments were made to
and Youth project (OVCY). Of the planned 17 Community the SIU.
Care Centres (CCCs), a total of 13 were completed as at 31 • Appointment of the Human Sciences Research
March 2021. The Centres were handed over to the Council to conduct a Youth Perception Study
provincial departments for occupation and service on the Socio-Economic, Health and Gender
delivery. It is expected that the construction of the Impact of Covid-19: R1 472 553.77.
remaining centres will be finalised by 31 December 2021. • Invitation of closed bids to complete
Construction of Three Community Care Centres
Criminal Asset Recovery Account in Limpopo: R11 099 474.00.
The Department was allocated funds by the Department The National Treasury supported the deviations based on
of Justice and Constitutional Development from the the motivation provided and indicated that no service
Criminal Asset Recovery Account for two projects as provider must be disadvantaged in the process. The
follows: Departmental Legal Services Unit assisted in drafting the
• R50 million for provision of financial assistance service provider contracts to ensure that all the
to institutions rendering services to victims of deliverables would be achieved.
• R50 million for supporting services to victims Events after the reporting date
of Gender Based Violence and Femicide. During
the financial year, the National Development There were no significant events after the reporting date.
Agency (NDA) was appointed as an implement-
ing agent for the Department. As at the end of Acknowledgements
March 2021, the Department had transferred
an amount of R95 million to the NDA to admin- In conclusion, I would like to thank the Minister, the
ister the CARA funded project on behalf of the Deputy Minister, the CEOs of SASSA and the NDA, the
DSD. The NDA was at the end of the financial staff of the Department, our provincial counterparts, civil
year transferred an amount of R46 million to society and all stakeholders who contributed to the work
qualifying CSOs. The project was scheduled to of the Department during the reporting period.
be completed by 31 March 2021.
The Department received funding from USAID for the G2G
project. The main purpose of the project is to strengthen
the Department's capacity to scale-up implementation of ________________________________
primary prevention of sexual violence and HIV activities
among South African youth and reduce incidents of HIV Mr Linton Mchunu: Acting Director General
and AIDS through Social Behaviour Change programmes.
An amount of R12, 714 million was paid to the Department of Social Development
Exemptions and deviations received from the
National Treasury
The Department approached the National Treasury for
deviations in instances where it was impractical to go out
on a competitive bidding process. The National Treasury
granted approval for the following projects during the
2020/21 financial year:
• Appointment of Strategy Analysis Management
(SAM) as appointed by UNICEF to conduct a
Rapid Assessment Study of Key Monitoring
Indicators Measuring the Impact of Covid-19:
R999 000,00.