Page 154 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 154


           DONOR FUNDS

             Table 9: Spar Group Pty (Ltd)

             Name of donor                        Spar Group Pty (LTD)

              Full amount of the funding          R12 624 000
              Period of the commitment            July 2020 - September 2020
              Purpose of the funding              Assist the Department to respond to the food security challenges brought by the Covid-19 pandemic through the donation of money to
                                                  buy food parcels.
              Expected outputs                        •  Mobilizing citizens to address and overcome Covid-19 food nutrition challenges.
                                                      •  Spar donated 8 000 food parcels over a three months period to six (6) provinces where they have distribution hubs in.

              Actual outputs achieved                  A total of 7 170 food parcels were procured and distributed as follows:

                                                         Prov          Spar (July)     Spar (Aug)     Spar (Sept)
                                                         EC              1000            1000            1000
                                                         GP              2 000           2 000          2 000
                                                         KZN             1 500           1 500          1 500
                                                         Limp            1 500           1 500          1 500
                                                         MP               500            500             500
                                                         WC              1 500           1 500          1 500
                                                         TOTAL           8 000           8 000          8 000

              Amount received in current period (R’000)  R12 624
              Amount spent by the department (R’000)  R12 624
              Reasons for the funds unspent       N/A
              Monitoring mechanism by the donor   The national DSD ensured that food relieve reached provinces through the network of provincial food distribution centres and
                                                  community nutrition centres.

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