Page 338 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 338



             Notes To The Financial Statements Of The Refugee Relief Fund For The Year Ended
             31 March 2021.

             1.4.2  Revenue from non-exchange transactions        Financial assets
                                                                  The Fund's principal financial assets are investments.
                Revenue  from  non-exchange  transactions  refers  to
                transactions where the entity received revenue from   All financial assets are measured at amortised cost,
                another entity without directly giving approximately   comprising original debt less principle payments and
                equal   value   in   exchange.   Revenue   from   amortizations.
                non-exchange  transactions  is  generally  recognised
                to the extent that the related receipt or receivable   Investments
                qualifies for recognition as an asset and there is no   The  investments  are  measured  at  subsequent
                liability to repay the amount.                    reporting  dates  at  amortised  cost  by  using  the
                Revenue  from  the  recovery  of  unauthorised,   effective  interest  rate  method  if  they  have  a  fixed
                irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure is based   maturity or at cost if there is no fixed maturity.
                on legislated procedures.
                                                                  Cash and cash equivalents
             1.4.3   Grants, transfers and donations              Cash  and  cash  equivalents  are  measured  at  fair
                Grants, transfers and donations received orreceivable
                are  recognised  when  the  resources  that  have  been   Financial Liabilities
                transferred  meet  the  criteria  for  recognition  as  an   The Fund's principle financial liabilities are accounts
                asset. A corresponding liability is raised to the extent   payable.
                that the grant, transfer or donation is conditional.
                The liability is transferred to revenue as and when   All  financial  liabilities  are  measured  at  amortised
                the conditions attached to the grant are met. Grants   cost,  comprising  original  debt  less  principle
                without  any  conditions  attached  are  recognised  as   payments and amortizations.
                revenue when the asset is recognised.
                                                               1.9  EXPENDITURE
             1.5. INVESTMENTS
                                                               Expenditure  is  accounted  for  on  the  accrual  basis  of
                Investments  are  shown  at  fair  value  including   accounting.
                interest capitalized.

              1.6.  COMPARATIVE FIGURES

                Where  necessary,  comparative  figures  have  been
                adjusted  to  conform  to  changes  in  presentation  in
                the current year.

             1.7.  FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS

                Financial assets and liabilities are recognized in the
                balance sheet when the Fund becomes a party to the
                contractual provisions of the instrument.

                Financial instruments are initially measured at cost,
                which  includes  transaction  cost.  Subsequent  to
                initial  recognition  these  instruments  are  measured
                as set out below.

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