Page 365 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 365



           Notes To The Financial Statements Of The State President Fund For The Year Ended
           31 March 2021.
          5.1.2 Credit Risk
               Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the State President Fund if a financial institution to a financial instrument
               fails to meet its contractual obligations.

               The  State  President  Fund  exposure  to  credit  risk  is  influenced  only  by  the  individual  characteristics  of  the
               financial  institutions  where  funds  are  deposited  or  invested.    Reputable  financial  institutions  are  used  for
               investing and cash handling purposes.

                                                                                2020/21          2019/20
                                                                                   R’000            R’000

               Cost                                                              43 618           40 741
               Additions during the year                                           1 668           2 877
               Closing Balance                                                   45 286           43 618

          5.1.3 Liquidity risk
               Liquidity risk is the risk that the State President Fund will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall
               due. The State President Fund’s approach to managing liquidity is to ensure that investment terms chosen will
               ensure  that  it  will  always  have  sufficient  liquidity  to  meet  its  liabilities  when  due.  The  State  President  Fund
               monitors its cash flow requirements and optimizes its cash return on investments.

                                                                                2020/21          2019/20

                                                                                   R’000            R’000

              Cash and Cash Equivalents                                          45 276           43 608
              Investment                                                             10                 10
              Cash and Balances with Banks                                       45 286           43 618

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