Page 98 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 98
Population and Development (Re-tabled APP)
Outcome Functional, efficient and integrated sector
Outputs Output indicator Actual Achievement Actual Achievement Annual target Actual Outputs 2020/2021 Reasons for Deviation from
2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/21 2020/21 target
Youth sexual and Number of N/A N/A 10 000+ youths in A total of 178 495 young A low target was set because of the
reproductive youth Siyakwazi Youth people participated in the uncertainty of how the online
health and rights participating in Network in the 52 sexual, reproductive and campaign would unfold and what
online advocacy the sexual and districts rights online advocacy its reach could be as it was not
campaign reproductive campaign across 28 districts. done before. Since it is an online
conducted health and campaign, it has reached far more
rights online people than expected.
advocacy The targeted 52 districts were not
campaign reached because the online
campaign only ran for nine out of
the planned 12 months, covering
28 districts, as it only commenced
in July 2020.
Research report Number of N/A N/A Research report on youth The research study was not The appointment of a research
on youth research reports perception survey on conducted. Only inception institution to conduct this study
perception on the impact of socio-economic, health, meeting was held with the required approval from the
National Treasury, which was only
survey on Covid-19 & gender on impact of project team in March 2021.
socio-economic, Covid-19 granted in October 2020. Other
health, & gender procurement and contract
on impact of management processes had to
Covid-19 follow after receipt of the National
Treasury approval. The remaining
time was not sufficient to complete
the final study report as planned.
Strategies to overcome under performance
An addendum to the contract will be prepared with revised timelines so that targets can be met