Page 93 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
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 Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service
               •   Webinar   series:   substantive   findings   and   •   Review of the M&E Framework and Theory of
                   recommendations: The Department together           Change for the National Youth Policy
 Programme Purpose
                   with Statistics South Africa supported by  the     2015-2020.
 Support  community  development  and  promote  UNFPA together with its key partners strengthened   United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA); the   • Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)
                                                                      curriculum for in school and out of school young
 evidence-based policy making in the Department and the   knowledge of integration of demographic issues   British High Commission to South Africa and the   people, Advocacy Brief.
 Social Development Sector.  (including  the  demographic  dividend)  into  IDPs  and   Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
 started a process of engaging critical plans such as Spatial   (FCDO); the African Union (AU) and Africa CDC;   •   Advocacy brief profiling the coordination of the
 Population and Development  Planning and Land Use Management. The Department also   the African Institute for Development Policy   National Coordination
 played a key role in the development of the 5th UNFPA   (AFIDEP); the Union of African Population Studies   Forum, Provincial Coordination Forum and SYP Forums as
 The Department, through the National Population Unit, is   Country Programme of Support to the Government of   (UAPS); and Population Association of Southern   best practice.
 mandated to facilitate, monitor and build capacity for the   South Africa (2020 – 2025). The implementation of this   Africa (PASA) hosted a webinar series. The   Poverty Alleviation, Sustainable Livelihoods and Food
 implementation  of  the  Population  Policy  and  the   Programme commenced in July 2020 in the three priority   webinar series on Demography and Covid-19 in   Security
 International Conference on Policy and Development   provinces of the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and   Africa: Evidence and Policy Responses to
 (ICPD) Programme of Action (PoA).  Limpopo.   Safeguard the Demographic Dividend, was
                   intended to:                                The Department developed Framework on Linking Social
 Population Policy and ICPD Programme of Action  Interventions in response to Covid-19 pandemic  •  create a space for sharing a demographic   Protection  Beneficiaries  to  Sustainable  Livelihoods
                   perspective on the impact of Covid-19 with   Opportunities. The Framework seeks to respond to the
 The Department developed a country report on   During the reporting period, the country was confronted   partners on the continent, considering its   ever-increasing  number  of  beneficiaries  of  social
                                                               protection,  especially  social  grants  beneficiaries  which
 “Population, Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainable   with an unprecedented threat of the Covid-19 pandemic.   implications for Africa to reach a demographic   may  not  be  sustainable  even  though  it  significantly
 Development in South Africa” for the 53rd session of the   As such, the health and social protection as well as legal   dividend  and  achieve  the  Sustainable  contributes towards poverty alleviation. Social Protection
 United Nations Commission on Population and   systems that protect all women and girls were weakened.   Development Goals (SDGs) and aspirations of the   in this context refers to programs like cash transfers,
 Development (UNCPD). As champion of the NEXUS   Several  initiatives  were  implemented  to  minimize  the   African Union (AU) Agenda 2063; and  social grants, food and nutrition programs, health care,
 initiative, the Department delivered a joint ministerial   impact of Covid-19 on young people in South Africa. These   •     develop policy recommendations that South   quality education and skills development. It is concerned
 statement on protecting Sexual and Reproductive Health   initiatives included, among others, the following:  Africa and the continent can implement now and   with preventing, managing, and overcoming situations
 and Rights (SRHR) and promoting gender-responsiveness   •    The National COVID Command Council (NCCC): The   in the protracted response and early   that adversely affect people's wellbeing.
 in the Covid-19 crisis on behalf of 59 countries, to   Department served in the NCCC Research and   post-pandemic recovery period to safeguard the   The objectives of the Framework include, among others,
 promote SRHR and Gender Equality and Equity.   Statistics Work Stream, working on creating a range   demographic dividend.
 of data warehouses, including the current   •     These webinars engaged a wide range of   the following:
 The NEXUS is an innovative initiative to support a group   geographic spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19)   stakeholders and covered key topics, including   •    To  link  beneficiaries  of  social  protection  to
                                                                      sustainable livelihoods opportunities with the
 of  cross-regional  high-level  government  officials  in   current cases, health vulnerabilities and location of   population-wide impact of Covid-19; its social   idea of relieving pressure on government fiscus.
 ensuring the highest support to SRHR at crucial UN   health and other facilities, among other things.  and economic impact on service delivery;   •   To contribute towards creation of employment
 negotiations related  to the Agenda 2030 and ICPD   •   Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights   adaptation of SA's policies and programmes; and   opportunities and thereby reduce levels of
 beyond 2014 follow-up processes.   (SRHR) Online Advocacy Campaign: As a result of   advancing South-to-South Triangular
 Covid-19, young people in South Africa who make   Cooperation through the Demographic Dividend.  poverty, hunger, unemployment and inequality.
 Additionally, as a sequel to the Nairobi Summit ICPD+25   up a large proportion of the population, were   •     To contribute towards integrated approaches to
                                                                      poverty alleviation.
 held in Kenya in 2019, the Department produced a   adversely affected by the closure of traditional   Progress Report on the Safeguard Young People (SYP)   •  To contribute towards the  termination of
 follow-up progress review report on South African   social spaces, including schools, places of learning,   Programme   inter-generational poverty.
 commitments to the Nairobi Summit ICPD+25 in   community centres and health clinics, where they   •    To empower and strengthen the income, assets
 December 2020. South Africa was nominated to serve as   would usually receive comprehensive sexuality   During the period under review, the Department compiled   and capabilities of the social protection
 its new Board Chair for a three-year term (2021-2023) at   education (CSE). In response to the challenges, the   a  progress  report  on  the  Safeguard  Young  People  (SYP)   beneficiaries to achieve sustainable livelihoods.
 the 25th Annual Board Meeting of Partners in Population   Department in partnership with Partners in Sexual   Programme. The report highlighted the interventions   •    To create and build a gateway to opportunities
 and Development (PPD) which was held in October 2020.   Health (PSH) embarked on a youth advocacy online   achieved since its inception on SYP Phase I (2013-2016)   and towards self-reliance.
 PPD is an inter-governmental organisation that consists   campaign Sexual and Reproductive Health and   and Phase  II  (2017-2019).  The  lessons  learnt  and   This  Framework provides a  foundation  for  robust
 of 27 countries with the mandate to promote   Rights and Comprehensive Sexuality Education   interventions achieved in the targeted few districts in   discussions among all critical stakeholders  within the
 South-South  Cooperation  in  the  fields  of  reproductive   (CSE). These campaigns were conducted using   KwaZulu-Natal  and  Eastern  Cape  provinces  will  benefit   social protection system. It is intended to protect the
 health, population and development.  social  media  to  engage  young  people  and  young   other provinces. The following documents produced were
 influencers  to  create  awareness  about  SRHR  and   supported by UNFPA:   poor, vulnerable individuals and households,  ensure that
 Advocacy engagements, including Parliament, were   CSE topics, SRHR and CSE challenges and providing   •   Nzululwazi Secondary  School  model  as  best   those uplifted out of poverty are in a position to survive
                                                               with limited support from government as well as to deal
 conducted on World Population Day and the launch of   possible solutions during the COVID 19 pandemic.   practice in adolescent sexual and Reproductive   with  the  shocks  and  stresses  that  may  ensue.  The
 State of the Population World Report with   Minister of   A total of 178 495 young people were reached   Health and Rights service provision in schools,  Framework will respond to the said challenges and
 Social Development. The Department further coordinated   through social media platforms such as Facebook,   •     Good practices for working with community-based  ensure  elevation  and  prioritization  of  the  development
 the implementation, evaluation and conclusion of the 4th   Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. The aim was to          organisation within the Safeguard Young People  agenda as an integral part of the social protection
 UNFPA Country Programme through the National   have the young people better informed on these          Programme in South Africa.  system. The Framework will be consulted with other
 Coordinating Forum (NCF) which supported eight priority   issues and could make better decisions regarding   •     Implementation of adolescents and youth   stakeholders in the next financial year
 districts in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal. In these   their sexuality and sexual health, reproductive   friendly services in KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern
 two provinces,   health and well-being.  Cape.
               •     Involving youth in decisions that affect their
                   lives: Lessons learnt from the establishment of
                   Youth Advisory Panels in South Africa.
                                                           93          DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT  ANNUAL REPORT 2020/21

 The Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated the plight of the   32% for Youth and 1% for persons with disabilities. The
 poor  and  vulnerable  against  hunger  and  poverty.  The   sector is still experiencing a challenge in achieving both   During  the  reporting  period,  Education  and  Awareness   became a reality. The arrangement of working remotely
 Department worked hard to transform the provision of   youth and persons with disabilities targets. This is an area   information material on professionalisation of CDPs were   negatively impacted the processing of applications for
 food and nutrition security services from a normal chronic   that require a close monitoring on the recruitment and   developed and disseminated. The material outlines the   NPO registration and processing of NPO compliance
 food insecurity environment to a more responsive food   selection of participants by participating programmes in   process on the professionalisation of community   reports. This was mainly due to lack of access to NPO
 emergency system that deals with transitory hunger   the sector.   development and provides response to frequently asked   systems by some of the personnel when working
 posed by the lockdown and the loss of livelihoods in   questions  on the  professionalization requirements. The   remotely. The Department is also in the process of
 many households. Food emergency response was   As part of the contribution to the above performance, the   material further provides voter education to Community   developing NPO system, the development processes have
 provided in the form of food parcels, take home rations   unit coordinated activities that included the following:  Development Practitioners (CDPs) in preparation for an   been documented and outlines the  following Process
 and later introduced the food vouchers.  A total of 10 006   • Quarterly engagements with DSD provincial   establishment  of  Community  Development  Workflows:
 423 people accessed food through DSD support. About   coordinators  to  discuss  the  coordination  Professionalisation Board.   •  CRM System/ Query Management
 R66 million worth of food donations were distributed to   mechanism  and  to  strengthen  implementation of   •  Registration Workflow
 the provinces during the lock-down period. This was   the programme including appraisal on Covid-19   The  Department  capacitated  provinces  on  the  •  Annual Reporting and Compliance Monitoring
 made possible by organisations such as the Church of   intervention plans   implementation of approved Comprehensive Norms and       Workflow
 Jesus Christ of the Latter Days Saints, The Solidarity Fund,   •    EPWP induction workshop convened with the EPWP   Standards for Community Development to ensure   •  Appeals Workflow
 Old Mutual, The Spar Group, Khula Milling, South African   Free State Coordinators  effective implementation. The approved Comprehensive   •  Education & Awareness Workflow
 Sugar Association  and many others that donated food,   •    EPWP Social Sector Incentive Grant Business plans   Norms and Standards seeks to address the following;  •  Maintenance Workflow
 and food vouchers to support humanity during this time.  developed with all provinces  • To ensure synergy, coherence, uniformity and   The development of the system will address the
 •     M&E Forum focusing on reviewing the performance   standardisation in the manner that community   alignment of the NPO online application and monitoring
 With the easing of lockdown regulations, the Department   of the sector as well as addressing challenges for   development programmes and interventions are   system to the current electronic technologies. The system
 re-opened its food and nutrition centres. The Department   sector reporting  facilitated and implemented including creation of   also seeks to integrate with other regulators for
 developed a Preparedness Guidelines to ensure that all   •    Bilateral sessions between DSD and Department of   scope and parameters for the practice  verification purposes; i.e., Department of Home Affairs for
 the feeding centres can prevent and control the spread of   Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI)  •  To promote sectoral collaboration, partnerships,   verification  of  ID  numbers,  Companies  and  Intellectual
 the  virus.  In  this  regard,  a  total  of  1  233  officials  were   •    Consultation sessions with all the provinces on the   integration and coordination of community   Properties  Commission  (CIPC)  for  verification  of
 trained on Covid-19 Feeding Centres Preparedness   review of the framework and model of the EPWP  development programmes and interventions;  documentation  for  Non-Profit  Companies  (NPCs)  and
 Guidelines. The Department, in partnership with the         Social Sector Incentive Grant.   •    To serve as a framework for capacity building, skills   South African Institute of Professional Accountants
 HWSETA, further conducted training and capacity   development and empowerment of Community   (SAIPA)  for  verification  of  registration  numbers  of
 building  initiative  on  Nutrition  Assessment  Counselling   Community Mobilisation and Empowerment   Development Practitioners across all levels; and  Auditors.
 and Support (NACS) for CDPs supporting CNDCs. This   •    To harmonise, unify and standardise the practice of
 training was attended by 300 officials.   During  the  reporting  period,  the  National  Community   community development within the Department of   NPO Amendment Bill
 Development  Policy  was  finalised.  The  policy  aims  to   Social Development.  During this period, the costing of the NPO Amendment
 Special Projects and Innovation   provide policy leadership and guidance on the   Bill  and  the  SEIAS  report  were  finalised.  The  Bill  was
 implementation of community development in the   The Department is also in the process of costing the   presented and endorsed by FOSAD. In next financial year,
 The Department led the Social Sector implementation of   country (including by other government departments).   approved norms and standards in order to make   the NPO Bill will be presented to Cabinet Committees and
 the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP). The   The policy also intends to give guidance on the   appropriate projections and resources required for   introduced to Parliament.
 Social Sector includes the departments of Social   coordination and integration of community development   effective implementation.
 Development, Health, Education, Community Safety and   interventions at community level by multiple role-players   Draft NPO Policy Framework
 Sports Arts and Culture. These departments contributed   involved in community development. The policy also   Non-Profit Organisations  The Department developed the NPO Policy Framework,
 to the EPWP by providing temporary work opportunities   highlights  the  importance  of  professionalising  which outline the challenges faced by the sector and how
 to the marginalised and poor sectors of the community.   community development practice within the SSP in the   Information and Registration   to ensure greater accountability from the sector. The
 Participants, some of whom are primary caregivers of   country. The Policy will be consulted with stakeholders in   Framework emphasizes how the different NPO regulators
 children receiving the Child Support Grant, were provided   the new financial year.   During the period under review, the Department   can coordinate and work harmoniously to supervise and
 with work experience and training opportunities that   improved   its   services   of   registering   non-profit   monitor the sector.
 provide critical pathways to employability and enterprise   Similarly, the DSD Youth Development Policy was   organisations  in  terms  of  the  Non-Profit  Organisations
 development.   consulted  with  stakeholders,  costed  and  finalised.  The   Act, 1997 (Act No. 71 of 1997) by using the web based   Compliance Monitoring
 policy was developed in alignment with the National   NPO  application  system.  The  system  expedites  the   The Department is mandated with the responsibility of
 The programme is targeted to achieve over 875 000 work   Youth Policy developed by the Department of Women,   processing of applications and assessments of reports on   ensuring that NPO reports are processed and verified in
 opportunities for the fourth phase which commenced in   Youth and Persons with Disabilities (DWYPD). The DSD   the NPO database. This has drastically shortened the   line with the requirements of Sections 17 and 18 of the
 April 2019 and will run for the next five years. During the   Youth Policy focuses on the enhancement of capabilities   turn-around time  on processing both  new applications   NPO Act. The submission of reports by  NPOs promotes
 year under review the Social Sector exceeded its set   and development of aspirations for youth in a way that   and assessing of annual reports. During the reporting   accountability, good governance and improves public
 target of 174 204 by creating 179 204 Work   enables them to participate in socio-economic   period, a total of 22 685 applications for NPO registration   confidence in NPOs. Additionally, the Department has the
 Opportunities which translates to 103%. Of these work   opportunities within communities. The Department also   were received, 13 621 were processed and 12 551 (55%)   responsibility to administer voluntary deregistration,
 opportunities, 39 437 were created through DSD   finalised the Community Mobilisation and Empowerment   of those were processed within two months.   deregister non-compliant NPOs from the national register
 programmes.  The  Presidential Economic  Stimulus   Framework. The  framework  focuses  on  the community   of NPOs, safeguard NPO assets and provide secretariat
 allocation to provinces has also contributed to the   mobilisation processes to be followed when conducting   Furthermore, to strengthen support to NPOs, the   services to the panel of arbitrators. In this regard, a total
 overachievement of targets in the sector during this year   community dialogues, household and community   Department continuously provided offsite registration   of  29 780  NPO  reports  were  received,  with  18  805
 under review. Despite exceeding the work opportunity   profiling.  The  development  of  the  framework  is  part  of   support to NPOs amid the Covid-19 lockdown. NPO   processed and 17 950 (60.3%) of the received reports
 targets, the sector has underachieved on its youth and   government effort of building an active citizenry.   Business  continuity  was  tested  by  rapidly evolving   processed within two months.
 disability demographic targets, reaching 87% for Women,   challenges, such as travel restrictions to pursue National
             NPO Roadshows, and as large-scale remote working

 In the year under review, the Department witnessed an
 increase in the number of reported cases that involves
 fraud or abuse of NPOs as conduits for money laundering
 in order to access Covid-19 relief funds or other
 development funds. In order to mitigate against this
 abuse, the Department is strengthening compliance
 supervision and inspection by developing new
 regulations and improving operational systems in order
 to mitigate against the abuse of NPOs. The new
 regulation is expected to come into effect in the new
 financial year.

 Know Your NPO Status Campaign

 The Department started implementation of the Know
 Your  NPO  Status (KYNS) campaign in 2019 as  a  pilot
 project. The campaign is aimed at encouraging NPOs to
 submit annual reports and update organisations details.
 The  pilot project was implemented nationally  and was
 positively  received.  The  KYNS  Campaign  was  officially
 launched  by  the  Minister  in  November  2020.  However,
 due to the Covid-19 lockdown regulations, some aspects
 of the campaign were suspended as they required
 organising large public gathering in the form of
 roadshows, compliance drives and information sharing
 sessions in public spaces. However, NPOs were mobilized
 to submit annual reports and update organisations
 details through the mainstream media and social media.
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98