Page 88 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 88


          Services to Persons with Disabilities (Originally tabled APP)

           Outcome     Empowered, resilient individuals, families and sustainable communities
           Outputs    Output indicator Actual Achievement  Actual Achievement    Annual target    Actual Outputs   Reasons for deviation  Reasons for revision to
                                     2018/2019         2019/2020                 2020/21          2020/2021        from 2020/21 target  the annual target

          Guidelines on  Guidelines on   N/A          The target was not achieved.   Guidelines on   The target was not  Discussions and   Respite Care
          Respite Care  Respite Care                  However, the following     Respite care     achieved.        signing of the project   Guidelines will be
          Services to   Services to                   submissions and work was   services to      However, two rural  contract between DSD  consulted and updated
          Families and  Families and                  done during the reporting   Families and    provinces have   and JICA that was to   through virtual
          Persons with Persons with                   period;                    Persons with     been selected as   happen between    meetings but not
          Disabilities   Disabilities                 •  A submission providing   Disabilities piloted  study sites for the   March-April 2020   piloted in two
          implemented                                 clarity and motivation on   in two provinces   development and   could not be facilitated  provinces due to set
                                                      issues raised by EXCO,     and finalised     implementation of  due to the onset of the  directives on Covid-19
                                                      including a distinction                     the Respite Care   Covid-19 pandemic
                                                      between this sectoral Policy                Programme for    and prohibition cross
                                                      that will inform much needed                Families and     country travelling
                                                      legislation and the                         Children with
                                                      transversal White Paper on                  Disabilities.
                                                       the Rights of Persons with
                                                       Disabilities, was developed
                                                       and approved by the Minister.
                                                       •   Cabinet Memorandum and
                                                       the SEIAS Report that will
                                                       accompany the tabling of the
                                                       Policy at the Social Cluster
                                                       and Cabinet were drafted.
                                                       The SEIAS Report is awaiting
                                                       approval from DPME.
                                                       The Costing Report on the
                                                       Policy was finalised.

            DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT  ANNUAL REPORT 2020/21                 88
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93