Page 85 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 85


           Families and Social Crime Prevention (Originally tabled APP)

           Outcome                 Reduced levels of poverty, inequality, vulnerability and social ills
           Outputs                 Output indicator  Actual Achievement  Actual Achievement  Annual target  Actual Outputs  Reasons for deviation  Reasons for revision of
                                                   2018/2019        2019/2020           2020/21       2020/2021        from 2020/21 target  the Annual Target

           Nine provincial substance  Capacity building   The NDMP was   The National Drug   Capacitate nine   The approval to   The annual target   Target has been revised
           abuse forums, three    on               not             Master Plan (NDMP)   provincial    capacitated three   was revised    due to Covid-19 and to
           cluster of national    the National Drug  submitted to   2019 – 2024 was    substance abuse  provincial     during the        prepare IT platforms to
           departments and 34     Master Plan      Cabinet,        approved by Cabinet   forums and   substance abuse   revision of the   ensure that it can be
           districts capacitated on                however, it was   in October 2019.  three cluster of   forums on NDMP   APP           achieved using
           the National Drug Master                presented to the                    national       was granted.                       technology
           Plan                                    Economic Cluster                    departments
                                                   Departments and
                                                   SPCHD Cluster

           A Policy on the provision   Policy on provision  N/A    The Policy on       Approved Policy   The target was   The annual target   Target has been revised
           of psychosocial services  of psychosocial               provision of        on provision of   not achieved  was revised       due to Covid-19 and to
           developed              services                         psychosocial        psychosocial                    during the        prepare IT platforms to
                                                                   services was not    services                        revision of the   ensure that it can be
                                                                   developed during                                    APP               achieved using
                                                                   the 2019/20                                                           technology
                                                                   financial year.

            An Intersectoral      Intersectoral    N/A             Draft framework for   Approved     A consolidated       The annual target   Target has been revised
            Policy on sheltering  Policy on                        the Intersectoral   Intersectoral   consultation    was revised       due to Covid-19 and to
            services developed    sheltering services              Policy on sheltering   Policy on   report on the    during the        prepare IT platforms to
                                                                   services was        sheltering     Intersectoral    revision of the   ensure that it can be
                                                                   developed           services       Policy on        APP               achieved using
                                                                   Delays in sourcing                 sheltering                         technology
                                                                   the technical                      services has been
                                                                   support resulted in                developed
                                                                   delays in conducting
                                                                   consultations with
                                                                   stakeholders for
                                                                   inputs as part of
                                                                   process for policy

                                                                                    85                            DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT  ANNUAL REPORT 2020/21
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