Page 81 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 81


          Professional Social Services and Older Persons (Originally tabled APP)

           Outcome     Functional, efficient and integrated sector

           Outputs    Output indicator  Actual Achievement Actual Achievement  Annual target  Actual Outputs 2020/2021  Reasons for deviation  Reasons for revision of
                                     2018/2019        2019/2020         2020/21                            from 2020/21 target  the Annual Target
          Draft Social   Draft Social   N/A           New indicator     Social Service  The SSP Draft Bill was   The annual target   The strategy to redraft the Bill upon
          Service      Service                                          Practitioners  gazetted for public   was revised during   receipt of public comments has
          Practitioners  Practitioners                                  Draft Bill   comments              the revision of the   been revised to adopt more virtual
          Bill finalised  Bill                                           finalised                           APP.              meetings with technical task team
                                                                                                                             (than initially planned contact work
                                                                                                                             sessions). Pre-certification by the
                                                                                                                             OCSLA is more critical in the
                                                                                                                             finalisation process than FOSAD

           Outcome    Empowered, resilient individuals, families and sustainable communities
          Regulations   Regulations   N/A             New indicator     Regulations   Draft Regulations for   The Older Persons   Older Persons Amendment Bill
          for Older    for Older                                        for Older   Older Persons          Bill is being     cannot be introduced to due to
          Persons      Persons                                          Persons     Amendment Bill was     redrafted to align   Covid-19. Public hearings cannot be
          Amendment    Amendment                                        Amendment   not developed          with the new AU   held without involving older persons
          Bill finalised  Bill                                           Bill finalised                      protocol.         as key beneficiaries of the
                                                                                                                             Amendment Bill

                                                                                    81                            DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT  ANNUAL REPORT 2020/21
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