Page 79 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 79


          Child Protection (Originally tabled APP)
           Outcome     Improved social wellbeing of individuals, families and communities

           Outputs    Output indicator  Actual Achievement Actual Achievement  Annual target  Actual Outputs        Reasons for deviation  Reasons for revision of
                                     2018/2019        2019/2020               2020/21         2020/2021             from 2020/21 target  the Annual Target
          Capacity    Number of      N/A              New Indicator           Capacitate 500   Social Workers were not   Country-wide   The training will be
          building    Social Workers                                          Social Workers   capacitated           lockdown with the   conducted virtually and
          conducted on  capacitated                                                                                  prohibition of     the majority of the
          Adoption                                                                                                   gatherings and     trainees might not have
          Policy                                                                                                     meetings lead to   the necessary tools.
          Framework                                                                                                  this deviation
          and Strategy

          Child Protection (Re-tabled APP)

           Outcome     Improved social wellbeing of individuals, families and communities
           Outputs    Output indicator  Actual Achievement Actual Achievement  Annual target  Actual Outputs                       Reasons for Deviation from
                                     2018/2019        2019/2020               2020/21         2020/2021                            2020/21 target
          Capacity    Number of      N/A              New Indicator           Capacitate 180   430 Social Workers were capacitated in   The over achievement is due
          building    Social Workers                                          Social Workers  the following provinces; North West,   to the training being
          conducted on  capacitated                                                           Limpopo, Eastern Cape, Western Cape,   conducted virtually to cover
          Adoption                                                                            Kwa Zulu Natal, Gauteng, Free State and   more Social Workers and
          Policy                                                                              Northern Cape                        provinces.
          and Strategy

                                                                                    79                            DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT  ANNUAL REPORT 2020/21
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