Page 83 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 83


          Professional Social Services and Older Persons (Re-tabled APP)

           Outcome     Empowered, resilient individuals, families and sustainable communities
           Outputs    Output indicator  Actual Achievement Actual Achievement  Annual target  Actual Outputs       Reasons for Deviation from
                                     2018/2019        2019/2020         2020/21     2020/2021                      2020/21 target

          Draft Social   Draft Social   Develop a     The framework on   Develop Draft  The Draft Social Development Bill   No deviation
          Development  Development   Framework on     the Social        Social       was developed and consulted
          Bill         Bill          Social           Development Bill was Development   with stakeholders within the
          developed                  Development Bill  developed and    Bill         Social Development Sector.
                                                      consulted in
           Outcome    Empowered, resilient individuals, families and sustainable communities
          Regulations   Regulations   N/A             New indicator     Tabling of the  The Older Persons Amendment   The Older Persons Amendment Bill was not
          for Older    for Older                                        Older Persons  Bill was not tabled in Cabinet.  tabled in Cabinet. Prior to Tabling, a Ministerial
          Persons      Persons                                          Amendment    The Bill was finalized and     briefing had to be conducted to brief the Minister
          Amendment    Amendment                                        Bill to      presented to TWG and Social   in preparation for tabling of the Amendment Bill
          Bill finalised  Bill                                           Cabinet      Cluster and all the documents   to Cabinet. However, the Ministerial briefing
                                                                                     were revised and submitted to the   could not be conducted before the end of the
                                                                                     Ministry for tabling to Cabinet.  financial year, as a resulted the Older Persons
                                                                                                                   Amendment Bill could not be tabled in Cabinet.

           Please provide strategies to overcome underperformance below
            •   Continue to seek approval for allocation of additional staff to execute indicators developed for the Social Service Professional sub-programme.
            •   Follow up with the Office of the Minister to facilitate tabling of the Older Persons Amendment Bill in Cabinet

                                                                                    83                            DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT  ANNUAL REPORT 2020/21
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