Page 78 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 78

PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION                                                                      PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

          HIV and AIDS (Re-tabled APP)
           Outcome     Empowered, resilient individuals, families and sustainable communities

           Outputs     Output              Actual Achievement  Actual Achievement        Annual target           Actual Outputs         Reasons for Deviation
                       indicator           2018/2019        2019/2020                    2020/21                 2020/2021              from 2020/21 target
          SSPs         Number of SSPs       N/A             Twelve (12) PSS capacity     Capacitate 150 SSPs on   204 SSPs were        The target was exceeded.
          capacitated   capacitated on                      building workshops were      psychosocial support   capacitated on         The Department managed
          on           psychosocial support                 conducted in nine (9) provinces.   guidelines      psychosocial support    to conduct three virtual
          psychosocial  guidelines                          Three (03) additional workshops                    guidelines.             workshops in Gauteng.
           support                                          were conducted through
           guidelines                                       collaboration and funding from
                                                            PACT SA

           SSPs        Number of SSPs       N/A             New Indicator                Capacitate 100 SSPs on   226 SSPs capacitated on   The target depends solely
           capacitated   capacitated on Social                                           Social and Behaviour   Social and Behaviour   on the provinces and they
           on Social and  and Behaviour Change                                          Change (SBC)           Change (SBC)            decided to identify more
           Behaviour   (SBC) programmes                                                 programmes             programmes              SSPs to participate in the
           Change (SBC)                                                                                                                virtual trainings

            DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT  ANNUAL REPORT 2020/21                 78
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