Page 80 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 80


      Child Protection (Re-tabled APP)

       Outcome                   Empowered, resilient individuals, families and sustainable communities
       Outputs                   Output indicator  Actual Achievement  Actual Achievement  Annual target        Actual Outputs               Reasons for deviation
                                                2018/2019          2019/2020             2020/21                2020/2021                    from 2020/21 target

       Capacity building       Number of Social   N/A            New Indicator           Capacitate 180 Social   430 Social Workers were     The over achievement is
       conducted on Adoption   Workers                                                   Workers                capacitated in the following   due to the training being
       Policy Framework and    capacitated                                                                      provinces; North West, Limpopo,   conducted virtually to
       Strategy                                                                                                 Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Kwa   cover more Social
                                                                                                                Zulu Natal, Gauteng, Free State   Workers and provinces.
                                                                                                                and Northern Cape
       Monitoring tool developed   Monitoring tool   The uniform   Capacity building sessions   Draft monitoring tool on   Draft monitoring tool on the   No deviation
       on the implementation of   on the        implementation of  on the implementation of   the implementation of   implementation of the Guidelines
       the Guidelines on       implementation of  the Guidelines on   Guidelines for     the Guidelines on      on Community-Based Prevention
       Community-Based         the Guidelines on   Community-Based   Community-Based     Community-Based        and Early Intervention Services to
       Prevention and Early    Community-Based   Prevention and   Prevention and Early   Prevention and Early   vulnerable children has been
       Intervention Services to   Prevention and   Early Intervention   Intervention Services to   Intervention Services to   finalised
       vulnerable children     Early Intervention   Services to   vulnerable children was   vulnerable children
                               Services to      vulnerable       conducted in all provinces.  finalised
                               vulnerable       children were
                               children         developed

       Monitoring tool developed   Monitoring tool   Inter-sectoral   The Intersectoral Protocol   Draft monitoring  Draft monitoring tool on the   No deviation
       on the Intersectoral    on the           Protocol was     on the Management and   tool on the            Implementation of the
       Protocol on The         Implementation of  developed      Prevention of Violence  implementation of the   Intersectoral Protocol on the
       Prevention and          the Intersectoral   Four provincial   against Children, Child   Intersectoral Protocol on   Prevention and Management of
       Management of Violence   Protocol on the   consultative   Abuse, Neglect and      the Prevention and     Violence against
       against Children, Child   Prevention and   workshops and a   Exploitation was approved  Management of Violence   Children, Child Abuse, Neglect
       Abuse, Neglect and      Management of    national                                 against Children, Child   and Exploitation has been
       Exploitation            Violence against   consultative                           Abuse, Neglect and     finalised
                               Children, Child   workshop were                           Exploitation finalised
                               Abuse, Neglect   held with
                               and Exploitation  stakeholders in the
                                                Child Protection
                                                field on the
                                                protocol to
                                                validate and
                                                finalise the

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