Page 87 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 87
Families and Social Crime Prevention (Re-tabled APP)
Outcome Reduced levels of poverty, inequality, vulnerability and social ills
Outputs Output indicator Actual Achievement Actual Achievement Annual target Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation from
2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/21 2020/2021 2020/21 target
A Policy on Number of N/A The Policy on Provision of Consult six provinces on A total of seven Gauteng province was consulted in
the Provision provinces Psychosocial Services was not the draft policy on the consultation sessions Tshwane and Johannesburg separately.
of consulted on the developed during the 2019/20 Provision of Psychosocial on the Policy on The consultations were held face to
Psychosocial draft financial year. Services Provision of face therefore, for purposes of
Services Policy on the Psychosocial Services compliance with COVD-19 protocols,
developed Provision of were held with six (6) sessions had to split into two to reach
Psychosocial provinces namely; MP, more stakeholders without
Services KZN, WC, NC, GP and compromising their safely.
The interfaith sector was consulted
Two additional separately to ensure that the sector was
consultations sessions sufficiently covered as it was a
were conducted with challenge to cover them in some of the
the Interfaith Sector provincial consultations due to limited
and the National resources and challenges of Covid-19.
House of Traditional
Leaders The consultation with traditional
leaders was through their already
planned meeting, where the technical
support team was invited to present.
This was a seized opportunity as
representatives from different provinces
were convened in one venue.
An Number of N/A Draft Framework for the Consult six Consultation The addition province was available and
Intersectoral provinces Intersectoral Policy on Provinces on the sessions on the was consulted through the virtual
Policy on consulted on the Sheltering Services was Draft Policy on the Sheltering Services platform
Sheltering draft developed Sheltering Services Policy were held
Services Policy on the Delays in sourcing the technical with seven provinces
developed Sheltering support resulted in delays in namely; GP, NW, MP,
Services conducting consultations with NC, WC, KZN and EC
stakeholders for inputs as part
of process for policy