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Aaron Walker                                                                         Tom Schwab

        Hey Men,                                                 As we go into the last quarter of the year, some pause to
                                                                 reflect on the past year and plan for the next.  I’m a huge
        I’m so excited as we round the corner to the 4th         proponent of planning.  But a good idea without action
        quarter. We still have twelve solid weeks to knock it    is worthless.  “We are men of action” as Andy Andrews
        out of the park, don’t coast now. Let’s throttle up and   proclaimed earlier in this year in The Travelers Gift.
        finish 2016 strong. I’m pretty excited to be read-       Over these last few months on 2016 I hope you will
        ing The 12 Week Year, Will It Fly, and The Go-Giver      execute the plan you already have in hand. The hope
        Leader. I truly can’t think of a better way to end       you will choose to be the kind of man you want to be.
        a year attempting to get more accomplished in a
        shorter time frame, trying to make sure our ideas        Derek Sivers talks about ideas being multipliers of
        have legs, and wings and rounding out our time with      execution.
        what matters most in business. Reflecting on the per-
        sonal accomplishments of each of you makes me so         Results = Idea x Execution
        proud. We have taken accountability to the next level,   •  A weak idea could be a 1. A brilliant idea could
        and our commitment to one another exceeds all               be a 20
        my expectations. So, roll up your sleeves and let the    •  Week execution could be $1,000 while great
        carving station begin. You guys are all Rock Stars and      execution could be $1MM
        I’m so thankful for every one of you. ISI is a movement!
                                                                 This quarter we will have some great books, expert
        Aaron                                                    interviews, and discussions about
                                                                 •  Ideas
                                                                 •  Execution
                                                                 •  Results

                                                                 2016 is not over yet. I urge you to continue to acceler-
                                                                 ate with the progress you have made so far this year.
                                                                 When you achieve the vision you have for your life in
                                                                 2020, you will look back fondly at this time on:

                                                                 •  The actions you chose to take every day
                                                                 •  The men you chose to your surrounded yourself
                                                                 •  The character you intentionally choose

                                                                  Join the men of the ISI for an amazing finish to 2016.


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