Page 4 - ISI-directory
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What is expected of you as a man
of the Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind?
Confidentiality No Pitch / No Solicitation
Items shared in this group may be highly confidential Men are encouraged to work together for their mutual
as they pertain to business, family, and personal benefit. This should occur naturally as a result of the
aspects of a man’s life. relationships built over time. At no point should this
group, nor the platform you are given, be used to
Everything said within the group should automatically overtly pitch or solicit business.
be considered strictly confidential.
Attendance Steps to Start
1. Access and engage in the private Facebook
When you miss events, you are not only hurting Group for your ISI group.
yourself, but others that need your input, experience,
and wisdom. 2. Access and engage in the private Facebook
Group for The Community.
Honesty 3. Register and participate in all of the Wednesday
Night Community Webinars.
To get the most from a Mastermind, we must all be
honest with each other and with ourselves. 4. Be an active participant in all of your weekly ISI
Zoom Calls.
No one in this group is perfect. We are all just a bunch
of knuckleheads trying to be better men. 5. Be an active participant in the monthly All Hands
Monthly ISI Zoom Calls on the 3rd Thursday of
Nothing will hurt your personal progress more than the month at 9am (Central).
trying to portray a veneer of perfection.
6. Register and attend the next ISI live event.
Be vulnerable. Be Honest. Be a man others can help.
7. Reach out to men in the ISI and the Community for
brief conversations.
Spirit of Love
8. Access past webinars, videos, and resources in
This is not a coffee club or a mutual affirmation soci-
ety. Often the questions we ask, and the insights we the members only section.
share, are pointed, sharp, and may cut deep through 9. Read and discuss the book of the month.
the BS.
10. Provide constructive feedback on how we can
The Man in the Middle has been referred to as “The serve you, and others, better.
Carving Station”. While it may be tough, everything
must be done in a spirit of love with the goal of help-
ing, not harming.