Page 37 - Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering 2021 Annual Report
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ALUMNI NEWS ALUMNI NEWS CEE Alumni Society Board Members Industrial and Professional Advisory Council Members Robert E E Alger P P E E President Infrastructure Projects SNC—Lavalin
Joaquim (Jack) DaSilva
Senior Vice President The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
Cheryl Moon-Sirianni P E E (CHAIR)
District District Executive PennDOT District District 11-0
Casey A Moore P P E Vice President and Regional Manager Mid-Atlantic
McMahon Associates Inc Jessica Newlin
Associate Professor of of Civil and Environmental Engineering Bucknell University
Domenic Rocco P E E Acting Environmental Environmental Program Manager Department of Environmental Environmental Protection
Steven C Devine P P E Principal NORR
Jack Diviney P P E E E (PRESIDENT)
Retired—Senior Geotechnical Engineer Gannett Fleming
Patrick Fox P P P E E E Ph D D CEE Department Head Penn State Matthew J Gombeda E I T Ph D Assistant Professor of of Civil Engineering Illinois Institute of Technology
Willis S Heisey III P E Retired—Construction Manager Allan A A Meyers LP
Migara Hewavitharana P E E Structural Engineer Engineer Bala Consulting Engineers Thomas E E E E E Lawson P P P E E E E E P P P L L S S (VICE PRESIDENT)
Executive Vice President Borton-Lawson
Maria Schmitzer
Undergraduate Student in in in Civil Engineering Penn State Larissa Maynard P E E Water Resources Engineer WSP
Casey Mrazik
Project Engineer Mascaro Construction Jack Raudenbush P P E E F ASCE Senior Vice President Navarro & Wright Consulting Engineers Inc Charlie Blenko
Undergraduate Student in in in Civil Engineering Penn State Thomas Skibinski P E E Civil Engineering Assistant Teaching Professor Penn State Rowland Smith E I I I T Associate Associate II Wiss Janney Elstner Associates Inc Rebeka Yocum
Graduate Student in in in Civil Engineering Penn State CEE NEWSLETTER • VOLUME 37 37 2021 37 37 

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