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o Train staff to work at height safely.Ladder safety is particularly important because misuse or o Create a fire evacuation and emergency plan. You should review and update it regularly.
use of an unstable ladder can lead to serious injury or even death. Make sure workers use them
for no longer than 30 minutes, stay off the top 3 rungs, and maintain three points of contact at o Designate a fire warden. Their responsibilities include minimizing fire hazards in the workplace,
all times creating evacuation plans, and taking charge during an emergency.
Lifting o Ensure you have installed emergency lighting. Fire escape routes, exits, and signs need to be
well-lit so people can see them from a distance and navigate safely.
Warehouse staff may carry out both manual and machinery-assisted lifting activities, which both
pose a significant risk if not performed safely. o Handle materials safely. Staffs need to ensure they clear away boxes and packaging and handle
hazardous substances with extreme care. Make sure you know how to store chemicals safely in
To minimize lifting risks, Company should: a warehouse.
o Ensure operators of lifting equipment know themaximum safe working load (SWL). Pallets and Racking
The SWL is usually printed on equipment and/or included in the manufacturer’s instructions. Most warehouses require staff to load and unload pallets on racking, either by hand or with
Following these limits is essential to prevent strain, which could cause the load to fall off or machinery. Your workers must carry these tasks out safely so they don’t drop pallets on people,
wear down the equipment. affect the stability of racking, or damage other equipment.
o Train staff in manual handling safety. They should know their manual handling weight limits To ensure pallet and racking safety, Company should:
(20-25kg is heavy for most people) and how to use proper handling techniques to minimize
strain. o Train staff to load pallets securely. Use shrink or stretch wrapping to support pallets and follow
a suitable stacking pattern as recommended by the manufacturer.
o Avoid the need for manual handling if possible – use lift trucks, pallet trucks, trolleys, etc.
o Make sure staffs follow the safe stacking height and weight capacity recommended by the
o Ensure staff use and store chains properly. Improper use of chains can lead to the links manufacturer. They should stack them evenly, with heavier pallets on the bottom.
experiencing metal fatigue, bending, or rusting. Check chains regularly for issues, keep them in
a dry place, and prevent vehicles from running over them. o Instruct staff to inspect each pallet before use. Pallets should not contain loose nails, splinters,
cracks, or any other issues.
Fire Safety
o Tell staff not to climb, lean on, or walk over pallets or racking. Some staff may not recognize the
Warehouses have a lot of open space and kindling, meaning that fire can spread extremely rapidly. damage they can do and how easily they could fall or knock something off the racking.
Fire in industrial premises (which includes warehouses), there were fatalities and non-fatal o Ensure staffs do not use pallets or fork lift trucks to access heights. They should use a ladder or
casualties. another type of suitable equipment to reach higher shelves.
Beyond damaging your warehouse and harming people, fires lead to the loss of valuable resources o Provide staff with suitable personal protective equipment (PPE). PPE helps prevent exposure to
and operations time. In fact, many businesses never fully recover from a serious fire. numerous hazards.
To maintain fire safety, Company should: Personal Protective Equipment
o Carry out fire drills at least once a year. Drills help you check that your escape routes work Workers may need personal protective equipment in your warehouse, but keep in mind that you
in practice. They should demonstrate that staffs know the location of fire exit routes and the should first implement other control measures. This is important because, if the PPE fails or workers
assembly point. don’t wear it, any uncontrolled hazards will pose a huge risk.
o Test fire alarms weekly and check smoke alarms ideally on a monthly basis. Also check Examples of PPE you may need to issue include:
other equipment regularly, such as extinguishers and sprinklers.
o Hard hats – make sure you purchase legitimate ones. Fake hard hats do not afford the same
protection as those that comply with manufacturing standards.