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60 The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators
Bulletin Submission Grid
Publication Submission Type and Description Word Length Requirements
Journal Action/Classroom Research: Organized, systematic, and reflective 1,500-4,000 Abstract;
analysis of classroom practice with implications for future practice documentation;
in teaching and learning. bio; photo
Journal Qualitative/Quantitative/Mixed Methods Research: Essentially 1,500-4,000 Abstract;
narrative with nonstatistical approaches and a focus on how documentation;
individuals and groups view and understand the world and bio; photo
construct meanings from their experiences (Qual)/Gathers and
analyzes measurable data to support or refute a hypothesis or theory
through numbers and statistics (Quan)/Utilizes both qualitative
and quantitative data to explore a research question (Mixed).
Journal Position Paper/Viewpoint: Defines an issue; asserts clear and 1,000-1,500 Abstract;
unequivocal position on that issue, provides data and references that documentation;
inform that position, and argues directly in its favor. bio; photo
Journal Review of Literature: Presents supporting and nonsupporting 1,500-3,000 Abstract;
evidence to clarify a topic and/or problem of interest and value documentation;
to educators; synthesizes and critiques the literature; draws bio; photo
conclusions; mentions procedures for selecting and reviewing
literature; may include narrative review, best evidence synthesis, or
Journal Program Description: Provides an overview and details of a single 1,500-2,000 Abstract;
program in an educational setting. Goals, resources, and outcomes documentation;
are included. No marketing or promotion of a program is allowed. bio; photo
Journal Book/Technology Review: Combines summary and personal 400-700 Introduction;
critique of a book, Web site, or app on an educational topic or with documentation;
educational relevance. bio; photo
Collegial Classroom Practice/Program: Describes practice or initiative used 700-1,200 Bio; photo
Exchange in a classroom to advance educational excellence
Collegial DKG Chapter/State Organization Practice/Program: Describes 700-1,200 Bio; photo
Exchange a practice or initiative used by a chapter or state organization to
advance the purposes of DKG
Collegial Viewpoint on Current Issue: Defines and addresses an issue related 700-1,200 Bio; photo
Exchange to education, women, children, or DKG
Collegial Personal Reflection or Anecdote: Shares a personal experience that 500-700 Bio; photo
Exchange provides insight to the human condition, particularly related to
educators and women
Collegial Inspirational Piece: Provides transcript of speech delivered at 700-1,200 Bio; photo
Exchange chapter, state, regional, or international events
Collegial Bio and/or Interview: Shares the story or thoughts of a key woman 700-1,200 Bio; photo
Exchange educator or leader in education, women’s issues, or children’s issues
Collegial Book Review: Combines a summary and personal critique of 400-700 Bio; photo
Exchange a textbook, resource, or book (fiction or nonfiction) related to
education or to women and children
Collegial Technology Review: Combines a summary and personal critique 400-700 Bio; photo
Exchange of an educational application, program, or piece of hardware that is
useful in the classroom or that is useful in the life of an educator
Journal or Letter to the Editor: Responds to items previously published in the 200-300 Author’s name;
Collegial Bulletin chapter/state
Journal or Poetry/Creative Work: Original expressions in any creative format NA Bio; photo
Note: More detailed explanations of each category may be found on the Editorial Board page at