Page 13 - Chapter 3 : Invitation and telephone
P. 13
Reported Speech.
Example :
1. He saidthat John went to Ramayana Mall.
2. They told me to open the door.
3. Lee asked me where I put the bag.
Tipe Reported Speech
1. Imperative. Command/request)
We reported command. Imperative sentence do not use subject , so Verb in
direct imperative does not change. Verb in indirect become ‘to Invinitive’.
Positive Imperative
Positive Imperative
Victor said “Go He oredered/told me to
away!” go away
He asked/commanded
“Come on time!”
him/them to come on
Teacher said “be time
silent” Teacher
He begged “Be begged/suggested us to
happy” be silent
He warned people to be