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Private Acquisitions Overview
               The process of finding a new home is rarely a smooth and easy one and it can often be fraught with
               risk and disappointment. It is not unusual to find yourself dealing with young and inexperienced
               estate agents, telling you to pay an ever-increasing price for that elusive bit of extra space. Typically,
               they’ll be trotting out an overly optimistic company line on how the market is doing and pushing you
               to transact at breakneck speed to beat the competition.

               In truth, you never really know how much of what you are being told is accurate and how much is
               just strong or sloppy sales techniques employed to get you to pay the highest possible price. All of
               this on the largest personal purchase you’re likely to make, until you decide to roll the dice again.

               Despite the increasing availability of information, educating yourself sufficiently to make a truly
               informed and neutral decision is still a tall order and, if nothing else, very time-consuming. To get the
               best out of the market, there is a string of evolving micro and macro market forces that need to be
               grasped. There is all too often a vast price disparity between the budget of the potential purchaser
               and the ambitions of the sellers and agents, leaving you unable to see the wood for the trees.

               We endeavour to bring you in from the cold and to shoulder the stress you would normally have to
               bear. From taking your initial brief, to carrying out the necessary research, we limit your exposure to
               agents and the tedium of repeated irrelevant viewings. We will only show you properties that will
               progress your search for your ideal home or investment, enabling you to remain focused and clear-
               headed, so that when we do find the perfect place, you are able to recognise it as such, and are
               galvanised and ready to transact.

               Good preparation will always see you being more successful with any purchase, so we will coach you
               on what you need to know for your chosen market and how best to help you achieve your goals.

               Once we have identified your perfect property, we will discuss with you what we feel is the best
               strategy for obtaining it. From the structure of the offer, to the timing of exchange and completion,
               along with which professionals are best suited to your particular purchase, we will guide you every
               step of the way through your personalised plan, as there is no “one size fits all” solution.

               Once the property is under offer, we will push and pull the transaction until exchange and
               completion, to ensure it runs as close to the timelines agreed at the point of offer.
               Upon the eve of completion, we will organise a further inspection to ensure that the property is
               being delivered in the manner anticipated. We will take final meter readings and arrange for the
               various utilities to be put in your name; we will collect your new keys and welcome you to your new
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