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4 December 2018 • NVRA eVoice
ur eVoice this month celebrates professions. We are truly that melting pot
successes NVRA has enjoyed in we often hear described across this
furthering its mission. A new country. Our members are a unique blend
Ovoice writers association has of experiences and abilities. We make a
been formed in Ohio. California is knee- difference in the reporting community,
deep in writing legislation, rewriting whatever our individual method and
regulation, and educating the reporting particular profession may be. NVRA is
community; California’s reporter proud to stand at the forefront and carry
association has had several voice writers the guidon of the membership of this great
present voice writing demonstrations; organization.
reporting schools are expanding their
programs to include voice writing. NVRA is I hope that you will enjoy the upcoming
DON SCOTT in discussion with Illinois’ regulatory body. holidays and the camaraderie of family,
CVR-CM-M, RVR, RCP, RBC NVRA’s testing program is well underway friends, and associates; that you will enjoy
NVRA President peace, fellowship, and love, in the spirit of
and certifying professionals on a monthly
basis. The convention committee is the season; and that you will enjoy
planning the 2019 annual convention memories, whether they are shared
program, promising an entertaining and memories or memories in the making.
educational presentation for us all! Finally, if you are on the road, I hope that
you will enjoy safe travels. May each
As we close 2018 and begin our new year, journey be part of yet another good
we look at our membership, comprised of memory.
representatives of many related
he Verbatim Reporters Association were not familiar with this technology. We
of Ohio was formed in January were able to answer questions and provide
2018 to bring awareness and literature from NVRA and VRAO. The
Teducation of the voice writing responses were overwhelmingly positive
method to the state. To begin that mission, with many people excited to learn more
VRAO attended the Ohio Magistrates about this “new” technology.
two-day annual spring conference where
we provided live demonstrations and The Association welcomes all methods of
explained to the attendees that, while the court reporting, live event captioning, and
method of taking the record is different broadcast captioning. If you would like to
from that of stenographers, the roles and learn more or become a member, please
requirements of the reporters are the contact Margaret Downs, VRAO President,
same. at 216-246-9477.
The attendees were very interested in our Marsha Busson, CVR
demonstrations, and several indicated they Secretary, VRAO