Page 5 - NVRA eVoice Dec 2018_2
P. 5

5     December 2018 • NVRA eVoice




                                       by Tori Pittman, BA, CVR-CM-M, RCP, FAPR, RDR, CRI
                                 Freelance Reporter, Wake Forest, North Carolina •

               his past summer, I got a call I   exemplary session than a true realtime   asked to be on telephone standby to
               was totally surprised to receive.   feed. The board members on the dais   answer any questions that came up.
               “Would you be willing to go to   saw that I was exporting to a realtime   There were only a few questions and I
        TCalifornia and present before        output feed (Bridge) and the audience   believe that they got the information
        the California Board of Court Reporting?”  members were able to see my realtime   they were looking for.
                                              into my CAT. More than one came up to
        Due to declining enrollment in their   me after and exclaimed, “I can’t believe I   The California Court Reporters Board is
        court reporting schools and low passing   couldn’t hear you!”              now making plans to allow voice writers
        rates for their certification examinations                                 to sit for their licensing exam. They are
        over the recent years, the number of                                       currently working on the logistics to
        licensed reporters available to meet the   I encourage all who are serious   make this happen and the subject
        needs of the judicial community has       about working in California to   matter experts at NVRA will be helping
        been declining and California is         begin practicing now – grading,   as they move forward in this regard.
        struggling with the court reporter       focusing on punctuation skills,
        shortage.                               and stressing your silent voicing –  This shift presents an amazing
                                                   so that when the first CSR      opportunity for current voice writers,
        So my answer to the request to travel to   becomes available, we can       students, and prospective students who
        California was a resounding yes. I       show them just how proficient     wish to live and/or work in California.
        believed it to be a fantastic opportunity   we are in our craft, how we
        to demonstrate to our colleagues in the    can boost their pass rates,     Although we do not know the exact
        Golden State just what we as voice       and how NVRA’s voice writing      time frame when our voice writing
        writers do and that not only are our skill   professionals can assist with   colleagues will be able to sit for the CSR,
        sets complementary to a steno writer’s,   California’s reporter shortage.  it’s never too soon to start practicing.
        but that we can help to alleviate some                                     Their licensing skills test is a four-voice
        of the reporter crisis that they find                                      dictation at 200 words per minute
        themselves in.                        There were many cogent questions     requiring 97.5 percent accuracy for 12
                                              asked by both board members, including   to 13 minutes.
        NVRA President Don Scott and I met in   their extremely savvy public member,
        LA on a Thursday morning to determine   and the audience. We discussed the   From my perspective as a longtime
        our plan. We prepared ourselves to    how-tos, certification, ethics, and   steno writer and also a medium-term
        show both the members of the board    practicalities of what we do, not to   voice writer, this movement from an
        and the stakeholders present what voice   mention the potential cross-training   unexpected party presents one of the
        writing is and, just after lunch that day,   benefits to longtime steno reporters   most amazing opportunities for voice
        we did our thing and asked the board to   whose bodies may be suffering lasting   writers to demonstrate not only our
        allow voice writers to sit for their   effects of writing on the machine.  skills but our professionalism. Let’s all
        certification examination. Our                                             work together to become even greater
        presentation was live-streamed so that   Prior to the CRB’s September meeting,   ambassadors for our profession and
        people could listen and watch even if   the board sent out a brief survey to their   bring voice writing to California.
        they were not present in LA.          licensees, telling them they were
                                              considering allowing voice writers to sit
        In case you weren’t aware of it already,   for the California CSR. Although the
        Don has an incredible knowledge base   survey results showed their
        about the voice writing method and the   constituency to be divided by thirds
        history and governance of our         (negative, not sure, positive), the board
        association, and he was able to parlay   continued moving forward with this
        that into a wonderfully educational   plan of action.
        presentation. Though I was demon-
        strating realtime, it was more of an   At their meeting in September, I was
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